
Day 34, January 31 2009

Just met this BANGING hot person on MyYearBook! WOOO!
Ok, so I guess if you kick someone in the face and you say stop, they will go unconscious...

In other news, a man was walking down the stree when he spotted an actual Lion. The lion was eating a deer in front of a barber shop... I know that is doesnt make sense, but it happened in Japan so it doesnt have to make sense.

Also, the superpowers poll, LOVE THEM! I just want to talk about them for a minute so...:

Topic 1: Having superpowers
Alright-ee, I know that I am never going to have them and whatever, but if I were, flight is always the number one choice for me. Being able to fly would be so free and then being able to fly with X-Ray vision, I would be able to be free, and look in on the people gettin it on in their houses.
So if you see me flying over your house, hold tin foil over your head and chant something in japanese, cause then I cant question you :D

Off topic, um, I dont have any story ideas or anything today, its just kind of a flat-lining day...
al;kfqaf is how you spell "yay" in japanese.




Today is the day of the polls. In case you havent already done them, there are FIVE(!) new polls today, at least at the time that I have done this post. Maybe I will do more, maybe not. I dont know nor am I sure. I probably will if I cant find anything fun to do soon, cause I still got 2 hours left to go.
By the way, dont forget to read my other post today:)

Day 33, January 30 2009

Alright, so now I am in school, just waiting for my math midterm to begin. Yay. If you have been on my blog a lot, you might now that I have crative little flashes of odd ideas that sometimes only make sense in my head, so here goes:

Idea Number 2: 98% of the human population was killed in atomic warfare and only the political and the rich survive. They have found the final sanctuary in which everything is closely monitored and controled by a central dictator. The sanctuary is a mile and a half tall building built to withstand anything the earth can throw at it. (by the way, this sounds like a sci-fi, but it isnt). When the building begins to become far overpopulated, the dictator hires 12 asassins to aid in population control. As the missions get bigger and bigger, the asassins begin to compete for the best jobs and end up in an all out war against themselves and the people.

Well now that you know my second idea, I guess I should just go on to what I like doing best:
Topic 1: Proposition 8, THE MUSICAL

Has it been finallized? Is it going to happen? Unfortunatelly, not yet. Its just a rumor circulating around. It was a one time perfomance during a collection of Broadway songs and they decided to add some non-Broadway perfomances.
As hopeful as I was, I dont really think it is going to happen. There is no official word of anybody writing for it or anything. If you can find anything on it, put the link in a comment and I will check it out.

Next thingy, um yeah. I am starting to run out of ideas for stuff to talk about and make polls about so if you have any ideas, leave me a comment.


Day 32, January 29 2009

So I be here, againe wid my homey Man-day and she tryin to get all up in my bus. AGAINE! I be like: nah. But she be like: yah. So now I be sittin here in da library naked and she all smackin me cross the face sayin: I SAID YAH!


Day 31, January 28 2009

Alright, I am at the library for now but unfortunately they are closing at five today. What a fucking rip off.
Good thing: school was canceled today and I had a Math midterm today.
Better thing: all regents scheduled for today are completely canceled.
Bad news: midterms are re-scheduled for this friday. Thanks for the help lovely schoolboard.

I have decided to talk about something really wierd and just throw some of my story ideas out their for maybe one of you, if you are interested, to take up and write about, because I cant write a story for shit, I just come up with the ideas.

Idea number one: A child is born alone in a place completely unfamiliar to any one else. He is just there, and he doesnt know why. In honesty, he is the result of a NASA expirement to test the results of a child being born in outer space after being genetically modified and adapted to survive in those conditions. The child wasnt born a baby, but a teen. He searches to find where he is, why he is there, and how to get away.
I dont know why, it just sounds like a good idea to me.

So yeah, I just got a Fly92 thing and I am getting all of these points to get new DVD's and I am ecstatic because I love DVD's.
Ah, sanctuary.


Day 30, January 27

I figure: since it is the 30th anniversery of me outing myself on the web, why not talk about something big and important to myself and those who care enough. So the topic is
SIDETRACK! I took freaking Midterm today during regents week. It sucked. 185 fucking questions. That is just un-cool to the fourth degree master belt. GAH!
Back on track.
Topic 1: Gay marraige (if you are kind of religous, please read the very last line of the blog FIRST)
I am sorry if this topic is going to be offensive to any of you, because I am going to get into religous affiliations and all of the controversial stuff today that segregates and drives our nation crazy.
A-ight now listen, (if you read insanelly fast from now on, you will feel like I am thinking) for the people out there who are offended by my want to marry, get the fuck over it. It isnt affecting you. I am not marrying your son or husband, or maybe I am, but whatever, it is a lifestyle that I personally dont think we can change.
Its just like a father throwing his child onto the street because the child cant see or hear correctly. Being gay is something that we were born into and like it or not, we cant change. I dont want to either.
If someone wants to take away my right to marry, I want to take away their freedom of speech. Hello, SEPERATION OF CHURCH AND STATE RETARDS! Also, I am gay, I think its about time certain religous freaks understand that god isnt the only mighty ruler out their. There are other religions that allow gay marraige. Does that mean they are all going to hell?
Cause if being gay and partying with other guys and living MY life to the fullest is going to send me to hell, so be it. Us gays will have fun in hell while those lame-asses are stuck drinking tea and starring at daring pictures of women showing their knees. yay

Topic 2: Guys who attempt to get their sexuality changed
I was going through a persons YouTube site when he showed me a link to the most bullshit interview I have ever bestowed my eyes upon. Some guy said that he was born gay, and the god allowed him to become straight again.
. . .
I was born into a religous family and such and they will never accept me, but like I give a shit. That doesn't mean that I would ever go out and ATTEMPT to change myself into something that I am not.
This all surrounds around how people believe that their gods words are up for interpretation until someone interprets it differently, then its just wrong, WRONG! (dumbasses)

My respect goes out to those out their who follow a religion and are still accepting of their family, friends, and just anyone who is maybe a little bit different then they supposedly should be.


Day 29, January 29 2009

I am nearing the 30th day of blogging thing. YAY! WOO! ICH BIN DICK!

Ok, on the topic of German speaking, I take german. Thats it. Sorry, short topic.

Me: yo wasssaaaa
Him: nm, my gf just slappd my faccad. it sukd
Me: i sry, wan me to rub it 4 ya?
Him: um...
Me: i can make it erotic
Him: ...
Me: u gay?
Him: shouldnt i be sayin dat?
CONVO OVER. Sorry, that wasnt meant to be in caps. But I dont have the energy to press backspace therefore I turn to re-typing.
Convo over. That one was correct.

Have you ever felt like I switch topics very suddenly? Try reading one of my more modern blogs really fast and I think you might notice. Its like going from:
Iraq War to WWI to WWIV to The Cold War to The Thirty Years War.
And that is another example of random confuse-u-nism.

I kind of slipped the fact that I was gay to some girl in school today. I was writing in my notebook "I'm gay" over and over again (just to say it to myself, it felt good to get it out) and when I was on my third line, I noticed that she saw me doing so and then she said "Its ok" and that was the end of it.
Confuse-u-nism. That is so going onto my list of fav words (brought to you by shannon)


Day 28, January 25 2009


I now have nine follower and am jumping up and down in excitement while typing. Do you feel that quake? That is my ECSTATIC jumping.

I have a topic.

Prayers for Bobby:
I have no words to describe this movie except for
Amazing, spectacular, moving, emotional, loving, influential, meant-for-all, touching, giving, wishful, tasteful, and I WILL WATCH IT OVER AND OVER AGAIN!
During that movie, I felt tears running down my face once at least every ten minutes:
When he came out, when he killed himself, when his mom said "I will not have a gay son", when his mom found out he was dead, when he saw David with another man, when his mother finally said "I killed my son", and when his mother hugged that random boy at the end of the movie.
In case you dont know, Prayers for Bobby is a Lifetime movie/docudrama in which a gay son kills himself and his over-bearing religous mother is trying to make up for leaving him motherless.

I dont have any other way to describe that movie. It digs deep into a mothers heart, a gays heart, a father, a daughter, brother, cousin, or anyone who truly has been effected by a gay person.

It really put the truth in my head that I will never be accepted by everyone, and that there are other ways to being loved then getting away. I also noticed that the only way that I am going to feel like I have any control over my future is by fighting for it. Because I will never get married, or be accepted by all in any environment.

... By the way, I think that I am going to talk about one of my polls today as my second topic.
Topic 2: Men with accents

OH, ROCKY! When a man speaks with an accent, it brings chills and crazy thoughts (DAYDREAM!). There is nothing quite like a British accent. Talk about verbal foreplay. If I had to ever have phone sex, it would have to be with a british person. Without a doubt. I am so bored of all these blank American voices. They have no, pizzaz. If that is how you spell that, I dont think it is, but whatever.

My final thing to talk about today: (sorry, I know its a long blog)
I had a run-in with the nicest teacher in my school on Friday. Mr. Jones, the health teacher, called me dis-respectful, concieded, rude, obnoxious, and said that I always needed everybody to focus on me. I agree with him unfortunately, but due to the fact that I dont have a masculind figure in my life, hearing all of my flaws pointed out by a male in front of my friends and enemies just tears me up inside.
Then, later in the day, I break down on my way to science and go to the school library so I dont end up crying in my class (and I NEVER cry in front of people) and I thought I had a double period. So I sat in their through 8th period and the beginning of ninth period. 10 minuted into 9th period, Ms. Hoffman walks into the room, my science teacher. She says, you have a zero on your midterm and I am writing you up. Then she walks out.
Princable walks in, you have three days detention and he will talk to Mr. Jones and Ms. Hoffman.
I only have a zero on half of my midterm and my over-all grade will drop from a 95 to nothing above a 75.
Fuck every teacher involved in that event.


Day 27, January 22 2009

Boo to the Yah.

I wasnt in school today due to the fact
That I was sick.
I am at the library...
Woo! Karaoke night tonight! Yes!

Random discussion: How to spell Karaoke: karaoke, karioke, carioke, caraoke, karoake, karoike, karaokey, kkaorkekorkerokerer. y.

Well, that is how you spell Karaoke. yay

Well, in other news, Dr. Seuss was charged for child pornagrophy and 7 accounts of Hinduism. Thats right, I just took a religion and turned it into a crime. (TAKE THAT LAME-ASS FEDERATION BUREAU! YOU'LL NEVER CATCH ME!)

Also, a man was walking down a street when he saw 25 dogs throwing hats at each other. The man said "wow" and was tackled by the police for speaking in public. Just another law. And another reason for the police to tackle people. Pretty soon we will all have bruises on our ribs and cop badges inprinted in our skin. (YOU'LL STILL NEVER CATCH ME!)

Ok, so I am now slowly running out of energy and think that solar energy should be used more often.


Day 26, January 21

So yeah, I had a stroke of randomness yesterday. Which if you havent happened to notice, I do a lot. I like being as random as possible.
I find that being random, or having someone around you who is random, is actually a very good, up-rising thing.

My RANDOM LIFE CHOICE: I have decided to build the best playground of all time, because nobody is ever to old to have fun on the right playground.
The things that will be on it: Huge slides
Gigantic Jungle Gym (I have never seen one that is big enough for me to have fun on). So big that you will be hoisted up by a safety rope.
Fake rock wall on border of the playground.
Monkey bars.
A bunch of tubes, like hamster tubes.
A maze that connects each section of the playground.
Hot guys in the nude (yes, only on my playground;)

By the way, as random as that seems, it really isnt. Today in English, I had to finish the writing part of my midterm. The writing was about playgrounds and how they stimulate a childs mind. Well you know what, I am a teenager, going on horny adult, and they stimulate my mind.
(Unless there are the hot guys, then more then my mind are stimulated;)

Oh, and to update on my previous blog, about straight guys being jackasses, I dont hate them all, but in my history, every single straight guy that I became friends with ended up turning into the kind of person I was describing. So I aint no hater.

And also, please, give away this site. To guys, girls, homo's, hetero's, dogs, cats, trannie's, and grannie's.
I like em old...


Nevermind, I'm not going to make a YouTube blog... :(

Day 25! Yay! January 20 2009!

I finally have a quarter. I cant wait to get 50 cents. Or a dollar! I wonder if I will be able to work up to a quarter...
I doubt it.
But whatever, because I have made it to an entire quarter.

Ok, so I have decided that I am going to make another blog. It is literally just going to be YouTube videos that I like. If you do like YouTube, check it out, but please, dont leave this site. Another thing, I am taking my pictures off of the site so that I can give it out to my friends. Please, if you want to, post my site on your MySpace or FaceBook or whatever. I really want more hits on here. Just try and only give it to girls because you know how straight guys are.

"MORE! MORE! I WANT MORE!" You say?!!?!?
I say "Honestly, straight guys can really get on my nerves sometimes. They act like your best friend, and then blow you off for their to-hot-to-trot slutty girlfriends. Fuck them, except for those special guys who actually end up being nice people, but unfortunatelly always end up doing something you want to puch them in the face for.
Then you punch them in the face.
But they punch you back.
So you knee them in their vagina of a penis.
They fall to the ground.
We all laugh at their small penis'.
End quote...
Maybe I should take the quote marks away.

So yeah, give out my website to peeps, just dont tell them whose it is and my life will carry on happily. Please...


Day 24, January 19 2009

Oh, problems and occurences are going on everywhere.

Miss Daisy wants to kill her driver after he made a move on her in the backseat, YEAH! HE WAS NAKED!

The Joker has recently been arrested on four accounts of fraud, six accounts of manslaughter, and seven accounts of suicide.

My best friend has jumped off of the Empire State Building. But unfortunately for his self, he was struck by lightning and sent back up to the top. fail

In Superbad, the word "Fuck" is used 186 times. FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK +179

One day, an innocent little goose was flying around in the sky when it saw a huge spinny attractive thingy. It was immediately... horny. It was so drawn towards the spinny thing that its friends saw the other spinny things. Each of them flew towards there own private spinny thingy. There were four spinny thingy's and a lot of geese. They died.
The Hudson River now contains approximately 76 airplanes, 2,096 dead bodies, and 1,000,000 dead fish. And a horse that likes to taunt Mexicans.



Day 23, January 16 2009

A-ight, so I be sittin here in Health wiiiiit my homie Manday! She get all up in my bus an I go, NAH BITCH, but I aint got no chance againt no musclewoman named Hallge from Holland. So she up and kick my ass and I was all like, uh, no.

So yeah, to be serious, I dont know, I just like messing around and being a little... odd.

Its been a while since I have actually done a topic, so I think its time to gat back up to date on them. So here goes the first topic in fuh-evah-bee-atch.

Topic 1: People's rude opinions
Alright, so I am sure that at least once in your life, somebody has been a stupid bitch and, as a friend, undercoverly made rude comments about or to you. My advice for those who take all that bullshit and just ignore it and let it affect them, you are letting the antagonist win.
Movies: Antagonists always lose
Books:Antagonists nearly always lose
Stories: Antagonists lose
Life: Antagonists are rarely fought against

Ignoring somebody who is being a bitch to you, gives them the victory. If you are going to say that you are better then them, then do something about it. Sticking up for yourself isnt showing a weakness, its showing the others that you arent going to take their stupid bullshit without retaliation.


Day 22, January 15 2009

I dont have anything to talk about today. Oh, I got something. Do you find it offensive to tell Helen Keller jokes? If so... oops


Alright, screw movie week. Day 21, January 14 2009

Ok, I think that movie week got boring. I dont know if it did for you, but I got way carried away and I have now decided that week long events are not yet fun for me.

Well, I dont have a topic today, I'm sorry, so I think that I will just patch up on the old topic of teen love.
I think that love is possible, but I think that it will (in high school) always be for/towards those whom you cant have. Once you know its a possibility, those emotions fade. I have felt extreme feelings towards people, but they are all towards people that I NEVER stand a chance with. Not just because they are straight, but every guy that is my taste, is way out of my league. I wouldn't stand a chance.

Short post heaven


DAY 3 OF MOVIE WEEK! Day 20! Woot! January 13 2009

Alright, I still dont know what to talk about. I am updating from my school, which I just found out does not block this website. BOO TO THE YAH!
For a movie today, I am going to use Wall-E. It is another one of my favorite movies of all time. Yes, I have a lot of favorite movies.
It is my favorite because it is a family movie that has made many people very environmentally conscious. I think that it is very good that Disney took a turn from hidden inuendo's and very small issues to this, where a large issue is brought to the attention of our future adults. Early education is the key to getting us out of this fuck-up sitiation. (sit-chee-ace-shun)

Well, I got some math homework to do ao I will try and do another update later.


DAY 3 OF MOVIE WEEK! Day 19, January 12 2009

Thank you all so much for your comments on what movies I should talk about. yay.
So Megan came up with two that I LOVE! Mean Girls and Wanted. yay...

Mean Girls: If you have seen the movie, I like to personalize myself with the character, the gay guy who has many pink shirts. Yay.
Favorite movie quote: "Oh no you di'int" (yes, spoken by the gay guy with many pink shirts).
I think his name is Damien. yay

So yeah, the movie of the day is Wanted because it is the most amazingly spectacular, WILDLY BOHEMIAN, coolio movie. Its about a group of assassins who kill........ assassins. yay
Favorite movie quote: "What the fuck have you done today?" (spoken by Wesley, the main character) It was the last line of the movie, WHAT A SMACK IN THE FACE! yay


DAY 2 OF MOVIE WEEK! Day 18, January 11 2009

As promised, I went to go see The Unborn today. It was... interesting.
My describing word for the movie: Patience
Reason: this movie takes quite a lot of time to get to the point. The first scary thing isnt until about 20 minutes into the story and the plot doesnt actually evolve until about an hour in.
Summary: A family has a haunting secret passed down by generation. A certain little demon tends to love this families blood and drive all of the mothers way beyond their psycho capacity. Will any of the women survive, or will their friends and family all be killed in the backlash of their dreadful poltergeist?
Its a good movie, but I would recommend waiting for it to come out on DVD and renting it. DONT BUY IT UNTIL YOU HAVE RENTED IT! Or, you should just go see the matinee showing because the price is much closer to being reasonable.
That is my movie review for the day.

BY THE WAY! I have decided not to finish typing my movie collection because my fingers are like a bunch of starving canibals eating away at my soul. Therefore, I will not finish the whole entire thing.

BY THE WAY2! My DVD to buy for the day is Batman: The Dark Knight. I am sure that you have already seen it, but it is definitely worth buying. Especially with all of the extra features it offers.

Ok, thats it for today, comment on this and gimme a movie to talk about tomorrow, I will do it gladly, and hardly, and by hardly I mean in a sexual manner, only if there are any hot people in the movie, or will they do me hardly? I dont know, but tune in tomorrow to find out!??!?!!?!?!!?


Part two for Day 1 of Movie Week

The movies in my horror/action/suspense section. Yes, they are all mine:
Lucky # Slevin, Matrix Revolutions, Terminator 3, Terminator 2, Fantastic 4, 300, 300 (again), Dragon Wars, Spiderman 2, Pirates of the Caribbean, Troy, Transformers, Live Free or Die Hard, House of Flying Daggers, 16 Blocks, The Condemned, Domino, The Hulk 2, Resident Evil 1, Resident Evil 2, Resident Evil 3, Saw I, Saw II, Saw III, Saw IV, 10,000 BC, Pulse 2, Pulse 3, Ironman, Sunshine, Lake Placid, The Others, The Flight of the Pheonix (old version), The Island, Children of Men, Seven, Memento, Flightplan, They, War of the Worlds (old version), Cold Mountain, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, No Mercy, War of the Worlds (new version), Identity, Secret Window, Joy Ride, The Final Cut, Flyboys, Spygame, Beuwolf, Van Helsing, The Hills Have Eyes 2, Basic Instinct, Creepshow, Hostel, The Amytiville Horror, The Ring 2, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (new version), Final Destination 2, Final Destination 3, The Hills Have Eyes, Club Dread, Freddy vs Jason, Cursed, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning, The Grudge, See No Evil, Borderland, It, It (again), Storm of the Century, Rose Red.


Lord of the Rings 1, Lord of the Rings 2, Lord of the Rings 3, (I have them all in extended version along with the normal versions).

As for trilogies, series, and collections, I have:
The Bourne Trilogy, The Original Indiana Jones Collection, Friday the 13th Collection, The Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis Collection, Scream 1,2,3, Stephen King Collection (Carrie, The Dark Half, Needful Things, Misery), Nightmare on Elm Street Collection, Heroes Season 1 and 2, Nip/Tuck Season 1.

The History of the WWE Championship, Bad Blood, Triple H Collection, DX Collection, Ladder Match Collection, Hell in a Call, Stone Cold Steve Austin, Vincent McMahon, Rey Mysterio, Matt and Jeff Hardy, Wrestlemania 22.

I am halfway through with my whole collection. I will finish it tomorrow. GOD BLESS YOU IF YOU READ ALL OF THOSE!

OL-RIGHT! DAY 17, January 10 2009

I was going to have tomorrow be the start of my movie week, but I just cant wait to blab on about movies. I know that some of you might not like movies as much as me, but I view them as the only oppurtunity to get away from suckish boring life.
When people like Heath Ledger appear in my dreams staring at me saying "Why so serious, son?" I know that I have been truly moved by a movie and it has affected me for EVAH.

OK, so tomorrow I am going to go see the movie The Unborn about a twin who's brother died in the womb and is trying to bring himself back to life by taking over her body. Cant wait to go see it. I AM A MAJOR HORROR MOVIES FAN!

By the way, if you are reading this, you will notice three new polls. I took off all of the old ones and now its movie time. It could be favorite movie, movies type, movie series, or whatever.

Today, the movie I am going to mainly focus on is going to be Moulin Rouge. It is one of the most hated movies of all time.
I LOVE IT! It takes simple songs that werent really popular and twists them into a dramatic love story that will catch your heart and never let it go.
With its variety of songs, it brings you into the time of the Bohemian Revolution when a group of showsmen are putting on a play. A man who is truly out of place gets caught up into this play and meets a prostitute named Satine. They seem to hit it off right away, but can any man trust a women like her?
It is truly my favorite movie, I think... there are many others, but that one tops the list.


Day 16, January 9 2009

This might be my last post for the weekend because my lovely mother grounded me for waking up late. ALL OF MY FRIENDS PARENTS WAKE THEM UP!! GET OVER IT WOMAN!
On another subject, sorry about the repeat yesterday, its just a very close issue for me.

By the way, next week is going to be a themed week thingy. Its going to be movie week. I will be talking about DVDs, movies that just came out, old school movies, and some of the best movies of all time.
Movies are my expertise so if there are any movies that you want to hear about, comment on this blog and tell me about them. I will make sure to get to every one that is on there, except for the insanely dumb ones put on there by my friends...


Day 15, January 8 2009

Imagine these puppies as your own. They love you all the time, but there is something going on behind the scenes. Its going into your neighbors yard and the neighbor has repeatedly kicked your dog.
Does it piss you off? Because something like this happens every 10 SECONDS. What would you do to this person if you could do anything? Dont actually answer this because I cant hear you.
But, people who do these things are getting away with it all the time.
An innocent animals life only costs $500 in fines and a possible three days in jail. *DEEP BREATH IN, SARCASTIC SHOCK*. When somebody kills a person, they suffer at least 10 years in jail. But three days for an animal.
I know that I have already done a blog on this topic, but it has been brought back up in my life by a friend who once said that the penalty should be smaller because animals are less important.
No offense freind, but the factory workers are less important then the factory owner. I guess if the factory workers are killed, it doesnt matter, but if the owner is killed, hell breaks loose.
I am happy with the sentences that the commiters are being punished with, but there is always space for it to get a little better.
And again, if you know anything about any abuse, speak up, because those animals do need a voice.
(stalker voice) or i'll fiiind yooouuuuu ;)


Day 14, January 7 2009

Alright, well, no school today. BOOYA. I think that staying home on snow days is getting more and more boring. I tried to get out, but my parents said that the roads were to bad to bring me anywhere. Screw them.
So now I have to use my moms computer again and she is probably going to try and get onto the website by looking into her history. Seriously, GIVE IT A REST WOMAN.

Well, I had two new blogs yesterday and I am fully exhausted out of ideas... um.


I think I got one,
Topic 1: Teen Love

I understand that we are young, hormonal, horny, and wanting, but there are borders that we cross out of our pure stupidity. When I hear teenagers say "I love you" I just want to smack them. No offense, but they probably arent going to stay dating through college. If they even make it to that. Stastically, 1 in every 3 million teenage relationships are able to continue on out of school.
I think that high school is the time to have fun with your friends and maybe screw around with other guys/girls. If you shove yourself into a relationship, many of the things you want to do, become harder to do.
If you can manage to enjoy be youthful and have no honest responsibility balanced with a "loving" relationship, good for you. And congratulations.
I am not saying that people dating in high school should break up, I'm just saying, enjoy your freedom while you can. Because when you are older, being independant isnt what everyone is going to want, and its fun. Well, I dont know if I am making sense... it makes sense in my head...

I got it, when you are older, people worry about their relationships staying steady and they also occansionally incorporate marraige. Thats a shit load of stuff to worry about.
When you are a teenager, there is no love requirement or responsibilities. Enjoy your time with your friends while you can, because eventually, you might just want that time back.


Over-obsessive BF's slash GF's

WEEEEELLLL, I havent had any personal experience with boyfriends or girlfriends, but I have seen couples where one of the two/three people were freakily obsessed with the other one/two.

When I say over obsessive, I mean: Staring at them, constantly. Going through their phone. Checking their voicemail without them knowing. Checking their Emails. Calling all of the people they have called. Never leaving them alone with another guy/girl/tranny. Threatening their friends who they always hang out with. Hating everyone they hate and liking everyone they like. Constantly being handsy with them. Adopting their likes and dislikes/lifestyles. Changing your beliefs for them.

I'll put more examples at the end of the blog, that way I wont kill you with a overloading amount of examples.

I think that the people who do these sort of things are honestly... idk. I havent been in this situation. Um, I think that they are just desperate to make it work so they try way to hard and obsessively. Maybe they just dont know any other way to make it work, or they are just crazily in love, or, teen love, or fake love.
I just dk, dont know.

Day 13, January 6 2009

Well, I have absolutely no idea what to blog about today. SOOO, um... ooooo. OK, I got it. I think that I am going to use this blog to maybe accidentally out myself...
I kind of want someone in our school to just happen upon this website because it kind of seems like an easier way of coming out of the closet then just telling people. Whenever I tell people, its just an awkward silence, and then the person pretends that its ok, when I know that they are freaked out by it.
Well you know what, I dont care anymore, LET THIS WEBSITE OUT ME!
OH.... by the way, I have decided that all gay guys should be born with a special type of sonar that only other gay guys could pick up. That way my dating life would be made much much MUCH easier. We could be like dolphins, on the land, and hornier... sorry for the stereotype, if you care.
Examples of my stupidity today:
1. I skipped my Global class today so I wouldnt have to miss a homework grade because I am already doing pretty bad in that class, then I found out that the homework assignment, was due on wednesday...

2. I forgot to take my make up math test today and accidentally went to lunch instead. (I was supposed to be in lunch, just had to leave for that day for math...)

3. When I went to my math class, she gave me a pass to go to make it up tomorrow.

4. My science teacher asked me when I could make up my science test, I told her "tomorrow at lunch." WOW. And I didnt even notice what I had just said so now I have to choose between the two.


Day 12, January 5 2009

I think that this is going to be the biggest topic that I have ever talked about on this site.

Topic 1: Animal abuse/abusers

There are people out there who need to feel like they have power over something. These people are over dominated in their lives, or just pissed off at a random moment.

When some people are in this situation, they turn to hurting the innocent creatures who have nothing but love for all of those around them.
These animals cant fend for themselves and those who commit this abuse are sick freaks who are just to weak to take control of their own life. IN NO WAY DOES ANY ANIMAL DESERVE TO GET A FUCKING KICK IN THE RIBS FOR ANYTHING.
I beg all of those who witness any form of this abuse, to report it. Wether it be an owner being unable to take care of the pets vet bill, or an animal tied up and emaciated in someones backyard.
No matter what the situation, if it looks like a problem, better to know if it is then wait for the outcome. Because I guarantee you, the outcome of most of those situations are so terrible... just nobody deserves to live miserable lives to the death. Especially those who were abused to the death, they never knew what it was like to be loved. If you can be the one to show them the love that they need, do so.


Day 11, January 4, 2009

HOLR FRICK. I have been sleeping all day today and yesterday, fucking cold. OK, so I haven't done anything exciting or funny to talk about so... I guess I will just think about a topic.

Topic 1: Bitchy football fans
I am not going to insult them or do anything to truly hurt their feelings, but... nevermind. FUCK THEM! There are fans out there who think that they are the fucking team coach, remember people, THE TEAM CANT HEAR YOU THROUGH THE TV!
It just pisses me off that they treat the game like it were life or death. Unless you have your savings and childrens college funds bet on the game, SIMMER DOWN SAILOR.
My word of the day to describe those people: Dumbasses. Reason, they honestly think that the team is going to take instructions from random pot-bellied middle aged men. No offense to the women fans.

By the way, sorry if the blog comes off as a bit naggish or whinish. I dont mean to do that, its just my little rant moments. I am now going to go back to sleep. I'll do another entry tomorrow, PEACE


WOOT! Day 10, January 3, 2009

I only have about one minute to do an entry today because I am going to a meeting for my trip to Europe this summer.

I recently also saw the movie Valkyrie. Since apparantly, doing movie rating things is a good idea, thats what I am going to do when I can. Valkyrie was about the asassination attempt on Hitler from the inside. The free Germany was going to infiltrate the Nazi Party and re-claim Germany from the inside out.

There were times when the movie lost me, but over all, it was a heart pounding suspense movie. Even though I knew how it would end, I still was kept in believe that these plans were going to succeed. I would highly recommend this movie to those who are interested in historical and suspense movies. Also drama lovers. It is a great movie. I give it 4 stars on my own little personal rating.

Topic 1: Barack Obama

I am sorry to those out there who truly love Barack Obama, but I am worried that his inexperience might lead to some troubles. I always love people disagreeing with me so if you got something to say, click the comment button and leave your opinion. You can even leave it under anonymous.

I am not the most brilliant person when it comes to this stuff, but I just think the Obama will need a lot of direction. I do strongly respect his push for change and I respect that, I just dont know if this was the right year for him. Sorry...

If you have something that you think can change my mind, throw it in a comment thingy and I will talk about it in my next blog.


Random Horny Moments

OK, so I was in gym the day before our really long droning break, and I had the most disgusting daydream about me and my gym teachers student teacher. The guy is attractive, but he looks like and ape.
Halfway through my little dream, while doing leg presses by the way, I came to my senses about his monkey body and nearly up-chucked on the floor.
Unfortunately, it was nice and YUM in the beginning so I got to walk around with the embarrasing part of a guy sticking out in gym with loose shorts on. YAY

HEHE, you just read that terribly disgusting story.

Welllll, yeah. Girls are actually kind of lucky. They have their periods once a month, guys get and extra bone in their body every hour in a half.
I would say, show the dudes sympathy and dont laugh at them when they get a boner, but even I laugh so I cant say it. It seriously sucks because the more we try and get it to go away, the harder it gets (pun intended).
Gah, if only getting a boner was like flexing your finger. You can do it whenever you want and nobody is going to point it out and post pictures of it on MySpace...

Happy New Years! Day 9

Yeah, its been a while since I last wrote, but I am sorry and I actually got some good stuff to talk about.
First thing, I am a major movie freak dude thing. Over the past three days I have seen The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, and The Day the Earth Stood Still.
If I had to choose a better one of the two, it would be The Day the Earth Stood Still. It drove me crazy with suspense at multiple times during the movie, and the ending threw the biggest climax in my face, like, EVER.
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button is a tear-jerker. Not like my friend who cried eight times during the three hours, but there are one or two parts that will get you flowing. BTW, there are scenes where Brad Pitt is UGLY, but throughout half of it, I just wanted to jump into the movie and take him behind the scenes;)
I also got some good movies for christmas like Sweeney Todd, Hulk 2, Ironman (was not as good as it looked), and about 10 other movies that you probably wont like.

So now I am back to posting, as much as I can. And still, I am not getting any feedback. The first comment on this post can tell me exactly what to talk about next time I do a post or whatever. IDK. JUST COMMENT