Ok, so this is going to be a short yet random blog about my eye and all of the epic things that it has been through.
I'm going to start with the most recent, being licked.
Yes, my friend has always wanted to lick an eyeball and because I previously licked hers, we decided she could... um... return the favor? For lack of a better phrase. It tickled...
Next, I have gotten a paper cut on my eye. I dont know why, but a couple years ago I was trying to see how thick the paper was, and apparantyl it was thin enough to leave a nice slice on my pupil.
Finally, when I was 13, I was rolling around on a yoga ball talking to my friend Brittany on the phone (we're not friends anymore because she's a lying cheating bitchy hoe that needs to die :D). I was rolling around on it on my stomach facing the ground and I rolled over a can of Lysol facing directly towards my face. The ball rolled over the handle to spray and I sprayed it RIGHT into my face and eyes...
What resulted was the worst washing out of my eyes.
Blog 175, November 18 2009, Who is the Straightish Gay Blogger?
75 Questions You've Probably Never...
Take this survey
1. First thing you wash in the shower?
2. What color is your favorite hoodie?
3. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
Hmmm... unfortunately, yes
4.Do you plan outfits?
Like, a second before I put them on
5. How are you feeling RIGHT now?
Good now that I know Brent Everett loves Glee
6. Whats the closest thing to you thats red?
Some kids shirt... he's fat :D
7. Do you say aim or a-i-m?
8. Tell me about the last dream you remember having?
I dont remember :(
9. Did you meet anybody new today?
10. What are you craving right now?
Food... any fooooooood
11. Do you floss?
Not my teeth... oh, ew... lol
12. What comes to mind when I say cabbage?
13. When was the last time you talked on aim?
About 24 hours ago...
14. Are you emotional?
At times
15. Would you dance to the taco song?
16. Have you ever counted to 1,000?
That I know of, yes
17. Do you bite into your ice cream or just lick it?
Lick, me teeth hurt easily
18. Do you like your hair?
When its all soft and flippy
19. Do you like yourself?
20. Have you ever met a celebrity?
Hillary Duff after her concert. Best day of my tenth year, lol
21. Do you like cottage cheese?
No, ew
22. What are you listening to right now?
Video Phone by Beyonce and Lady Gaga, its on Brent Everett's Blog
23. How many countries have you visited?
24. Are your parents strict?
25. Would you go sky diving?
26. Would you go out to eat with George W. Bush?
Yeah... if I brought a really hot gay guy date, and we wasnt there...
27. Would you throw potatoes at him?
No, I'm too hungry to throw any food away right now
28. Is there anything sparkly in the room you’re in?
My friends eyesssssssss
29. Have you ever been in a castle?
30. Do you rent movies often?
31. Who sits in behind you in your math class?
Some girl who should be in my grade, but isnt...
32. Have you made a prank phone call?
33. Do you own a gun?
34. Can you count backwards from 74?
35. Who are you going to be with tonight?
Me myself... mom
36. Brown or white eggs?
37. Do you own something from Hot Topic?
38. Ever been on a train?
39. Ever been in love?
Nope, dont believe in it at my age
40. Do you have a cell-phone?
41. Are you too forgiving?
42. Do you use chap stick?
43. What is your best friend doing tomorrow?
Um... partying with me in financing then wrestling.
44. Can you use chop sticks?
45. Ever have cream puffs?
46. Have you ever seen The Butterfly Effect?
Unfortunately no
47. What was the last question you asked?
Why is this poll so long?
48. What was the last CD you bought?
My Chemical Romance, like, three years ago
49. Boys or girls?
Boys, all da way
50. What is your bus number for school?
52... or something between 100 and 0
51. Is your hair curly?
No, poofy
52. Last time you cried?
53. Ever walked into a wall?
Multiple multiple times...
54. Do looks matter?
If personality doesnt do it for me, maybe
55. Have you ever bought anything from Pac Sun?
From what?
56. Have you ever slapped someone?
57. Favorite time of the year?
Snow time
58. Favorite color?
Green/Neon/Hot Pink
59. Are you sarcastic?
Not always
60. Do you have any tattoos?
I. wish. I. did.
61. The last person you held hands with?
My frienddddddd
62. Do you sleep with the TV on?
Not lately
63. Where was your default picture taken at?
Library, how lame. I think that I live here...
64. Do you hate or dislike more than 3 people?
65. Do you like your life right now?
I guess so?
66. How often do you talk on the phone?
Too often
67. What is your favorite animal?
Koala bears. They are really cute, but ferocious when angry.
68. What was the most recent thing you bought?
69. Do you have good vision?
70. Can you hula hoop?
For less then a second
71. Could you ever forgive a cheater?
72. Do you have a job?
73. Can you handle the truth?
74. What are you wearing?
Black shirt with skull and Jeans with yellow stitching
75. Have you ever crawled through a window?
Short story:
MySpace Surveys
Short story continuation: Yes. The first time, I was going to crawl through, but I couldnt reach so I threw a friend into the window and then poked her in the #^%@ until she went the whole way through. The second time I actually crawled through, except there was a popular road right in front of the window and I broke a lamp on the way in... oops. Worst part; it wasnt even my house... :/
If you guys want to try that thingy, do it and then post your results in the comment box.
DONT FORGET! THE POLL ENDS FRIDAY! IF YOU WANT TO BE ABLE TO VIEW THIS BLOG WITHOUT A PASSWORD, HURRY UP AND VOTE ON AS MANY COMPUTERS AS YOU CAN!!! Just so you know, all of the computers in the library are on one network... so that may not work :D
Blog 174, November 17 2009, A Place to Rest My Head...
DONT FORGET! SOOOO far, at this point, I am going to be making my blog passworded because of the poll, so come on! VOTE!
Oh my god... thank you so much One Republic for this song of complete genious. Besides the guy watching porn next to me in the library, this is the best thing that has happened all day, (also besides the really hot doctor stirring up my blood, literally ;))
Here is a BRAND new song by One Republic called "Say". It just came out yesterday!
Wow... the lead singers voice seriously brings chills to my ENTIRE body, in only a mild sexual manner.
Okay, random mild imagery for you mind coming up right now!
IMAGINE! You in a warm scarf, jacket, boots, gloves, and all that jazz. Its very lightly snowing out and there is already about a foot and a half of snow on the ground. You scoop your hand into the snow and toss a make-shift snoball at your friends. The snow is reflecting light all around you guys, and you toss snowballs at each other, laughing and having a shitload of fun.
I dont know why, but that has always been my absolute favorite image. I think that its just the thought of snow that brings the smiles to my face...
Ok, so as I was scanning through YouTube yesterday, I stumbled upon a classic song that had completely skimmed its way out of my mind, but its SUCH a good song. A little bit out there, but it used to be one of my favorites.
Ohhhhh yeah, sweet, sugar, candyman!
This is one of the songs that sounds really good when its played over itself four beats off. Yeah, it sounds really weird, but with the right timing, it sounds GREAT!
Oh my god... thank you so much One Republic for this song of complete genious. Besides the guy watching porn next to me in the library, this is the best thing that has happened all day, (also besides the really hot doctor stirring up my blood, literally ;))
Here is a BRAND new song by One Republic called "Say". It just came out yesterday!
Wow... the lead singers voice seriously brings chills to my ENTIRE body, in only a mild sexual manner.
Okay, random mild imagery for you mind coming up right now!
IMAGINE! You in a warm scarf, jacket, boots, gloves, and all that jazz. Its very lightly snowing out and there is already about a foot and a half of snow on the ground. You scoop your hand into the snow and toss a make-shift snoball at your friends. The snow is reflecting light all around you guys, and you toss snowballs at each other, laughing and having a shitload of fun.
I dont know why, but that has always been my absolute favorite image. I think that its just the thought of snow that brings the smiles to my face...
Ok, so as I was scanning through YouTube yesterday, I stumbled upon a classic song that had completely skimmed its way out of my mind, but its SUCH a good song. A little bit out there, but it used to be one of my favorites.
Ohhhhh yeah, sweet, sugar, candyman!
This is one of the songs that sounds really good when its played over itself four beats off. Yeah, it sounds really weird, but with the right timing, it sounds GREAT!
Blog 173, November 16 2009, Right at The Borderline is Where I'm Gonna Wait
I. saw. him. shirtless.
Seriously, is there anybody who needs to be in a porno more then him?!
He is so fucking delicious... and he goes by the name of SS#1
Okay, so Meet me Halfway has been stuck in my head all freaking day, ever since first period this morning and I now have listened to it at least ten times today. It's so addicting, but I know I am going to get sick of it pretty soon and pretty fast... :P
I guess thats just what happens with music, people like it so much that they keep at it until they get bored with it.
Maybe that means we should just stop listening to these songs once we like them the most... then maybe we will continue liking them if we dont listen to them until we get bored...
WILL DO! I will now stop doing things everytime I start to like them.
For example, blogging! I absolutely lo
Seriously, is there anybody who needs to be in a porno more then him?!
He is so fucking delicious... and he goes by the name of SS#1
Okay, so Meet me Halfway has been stuck in my head all freaking day, ever since first period this morning and I now have listened to it at least ten times today. It's so addicting, but I know I am going to get sick of it pretty soon and pretty fast... :P
I guess thats just what happens with music, people like it so much that they keep at it until they get bored with it.
Maybe that means we should just stop listening to these songs once we like them the most... then maybe we will continue liking them if we dont listen to them until we get bored...
WILL DO! I will now stop doing things everytime I start to like them.
For example, blogging! I absolutely lo
Blog 172, November 15 2009, You Would Not Believe Your Eyes
This summary is not available. Please
click here to view the post.
Blog 171, November 14 2009, Confused Yet?
Yes, I know that I skipped about 14 or so blogs, but I had to...
You see, previously I did blogs by day, so I could do five or six blogs on Day 1, and they wouldn't count. So now the actual blog number is finally up to date.
All I really have for today is just some more music videos. I feel like I have been doing that a lot lately, but I haven't been able to think of anything else cause I haven't gotten any feedback in my comment boxes yet.
Here's the new song this week, its pretty much my jam!
Here's my jam number two, and even though its pretty old, I LOVE IT!
You see, previously I did blogs by day, so I could do five or six blogs on Day 1, and they wouldn't count. So now the actual blog number is finally up to date.
All I really have for today is just some more music videos. I feel like I have been doing that a lot lately, but I haven't been able to think of anything else cause I haven't gotten any feedback in my comment boxes yet.
Here's the new song this week, its pretty much my jam!
Here's my jam number two, and even though its pretty old, I LOVE IT!
Blog 154, November 13 2009, FRIDAY THE THIRTEENTH, Yet Nothing Special -_-
GUESS what I am doing today! Nothing
Any guesses, Gold Digger, but not the one by Kanye Dickhead, this is the one by Matthew Morrison, remember, the hot guy in the previous blog whom I found making out with some other delicious male.
Speaking of Matthew Morrison, Glee! I know, its a cliche topic on this blog, but for those of you who really like the show, I have posted the link to a playlist with EVERY single Glee song so far IN THE COMMENT BOX!
You got that?
The user is LeelooDoyle, who has been posting the songs days before the episodes even come out.
What a great YouTuber! If the link starts to flip out and kill babies, just look up his user name on youtube, he's pretty popular.
Ok, well I know that I said I would do stuff with beards on this blog, but I'm not really wanting to do that one... but I do have another segment that I want to do really quick, and that is some more equations...
Me + You = Equation Time!
Tenacious D - Jack Black + Bono + Ash Ketchum(from pokemon) + N'Sync - Justin Timberlake = A terrible musical artist that does weed with his pokemon that is attached to a bunch of strings like a puppet
Brent Everett - 10 inches = Still a hot guy
Thats all I got today... for equations...
My english teacher today sang a song from Little Shop of Horrors, and its been stuck in my head ever since then... damn
In case you have never heard that song, shockingly, I have put it directly below the following word: PUSHIT! Fast forward to 1:28 for the actual song
I love that song... and the dresses that the girls are wearing in it
Speaking of dresses, there is this amazing thing called porn.
I was watching TV last night and at 11 there was "Real Sex: "Size Matters"" on, and I was like, YEAH! PORN! So I turned it on and started watching. There was this really hot guy being shown from behind who appeared to be getting head from another guy, they were both fully clothed.
Not quite!! Stay tuned!
And the camera angle changed and zoomed in on the guy who was getting the head's crotch... his "thang" looked really white, and just discolored. Then the thing fell to the ground and I almost screamed. Then they showed the two hot guys holding up a sign which read: "WE Love Our Strap-Ons"
And at a closer look, the two guys, were actually two lesbians with very sexy masculine bodies and flat chests. Oh yeah, and hot guy hair... hmmm, I should marry a lesbian like that...
I think I know someone who would fit that category!
Dont forget to check the comments for the youtube link, and also, give some comments so I know what the hell to talk about on Monday or any other day I can get on.
Any guesses, Gold Digger, but not the one by Kanye Dickhead, this is the one by Matthew Morrison, remember, the hot guy in the previous blog whom I found making out with some other delicious male.
Speaking of Matthew Morrison, Glee! I know, its a cliche topic on this blog, but for those of you who really like the show, I have posted the link to a playlist with EVERY single Glee song so far IN THE COMMENT BOX!
You got that?
The user is LeelooDoyle, who has been posting the songs days before the episodes even come out.
What a great YouTuber! If the link starts to flip out and kill babies, just look up his user name on youtube, he's pretty popular.
Ok, well I know that I said I would do stuff with beards on this blog, but I'm not really wanting to do that one... but I do have another segment that I want to do really quick, and that is some more equations...
Me + You = Equation Time!
Tenacious D - Jack Black + Bono + Ash Ketchum(from pokemon) + N'Sync - Justin Timberlake = A terrible musical artist that does weed with his pokemon that is attached to a bunch of strings like a puppet
Brent Everett - 10 inches = Still a hot guy
Thats all I got today... for equations...
My english teacher today sang a song from Little Shop of Horrors, and its been stuck in my head ever since then... damn
In case you have never heard that song, shockingly, I have put it directly below the following word: PUSHIT! Fast forward to 1:28 for the actual song
I love that song... and the dresses that the girls are wearing in it
Speaking of dresses, there is this amazing thing called porn.
I was watching TV last night and at 11 there was "Real Sex: "Size Matters"" on, and I was like, YEAH! PORN! So I turned it on and started watching. There was this really hot guy being shown from behind who appeared to be getting head from another guy, they were both fully clothed.
Not quite!! Stay tuned!
And the camera angle changed and zoomed in on the guy who was getting the head's crotch... his "thang" looked really white, and just discolored. Then the thing fell to the ground and I almost screamed. Then they showed the two hot guys holding up a sign which read: "WE Love Our Strap-Ons"
And at a closer look, the two guys, were actually two lesbians with very sexy masculine bodies and flat chests. Oh yeah, and hot guy hair... hmmm, I should marry a lesbian like that...
I think I know someone who would fit that category!
Dont forget to check the comments for the youtube link, and also, give some comments so I know what the hell to talk about on Monday or any other day I can get on.
Blog 153, November 12 2009, Oh Snap... He's Back
It has been such a long time since I have blogged, but I figured; hey, why not, everybody else stopped, why not start again!? So that would be exactly what I am doing. I am restarting my blogging rampage and such and I really need to put some stuff up today, cause lifes been getting DAMNNN interesting lately.
First of all::::::: I saw 2012 on Tuesday night! Three days before it actually comes out in theaters! It was exhilaratang!!!! Also, lately, I have seen:
The Stepfather
Saw VI (O.O)
And a bunch of other stuff. Paranormal Activity, Fourth Kind, and more... I'll remember some later.
So yeah, according to Twenty Twelve, there was a Mayan equation that predicted when the human race would fail. This inspired me to make a few of my own equations:
Crazy graphics and visual effects + An inspirational message - A good character storyline + Hot guys thrown in the background every so often - Completely unrealistic survivals = A three star movie. The number one thing about it was definitely the special effects. The scenes of earthquakes, fire, and destruction was well worth the FIVE years it took to make the movie. But the acting... eh
Equation number two:
Meet Me Halfway by the Black Eyed Peas + Bad Romance by Lady Gaga + Fireflies by Owl City + I Gotta Feelin by the Black Eyed Peas(yup, i'm still obsessed) = A damn good wave of music coming our way!
Equation number three:
Sexy substitutes in our school - Drama in our school - Drama at home + A beautiful farm on farmville + A T-Shirt event coming up = An exciting week due to the fact that certain people WONT be around tomorrow :D. Here are two of the songs I previously listed, both mildly new releases: There is more blog under the videos!
Ok, and final thing for me to talk about today:
Uh oh, sensitive topic... NOOOOOO! Beard, I would say, are the hardest thing for a guy to pull off, other then being naked... and in my bed... with a... um...
nevermind... off topic. I don't know... all I can focus on is Matthew Morrison making out with that guy in that picture and ahhhhhhhhhh... I'll do beards in the next blog
It has been such a long time since I have blogged, but I figured; hey, why not, everybody else stopped, why not start again!? So that would be exactly what I am doing. I am restarting my blogging rampage and such and I really need to put some stuff up today, cause lifes been getting DAMNNN interesting lately.
First of all::::::: I saw 2012 on Tuesday night! Three days before it actually comes out in theaters! It was exhilaratang!!!! Also, lately, I have seen:
The Stepfather
Saw VI (O.O)
And a bunch of other stuff. Paranormal Activity, Fourth Kind, and more... I'll remember some later.
So yeah, according to Twenty Twelve, there was a Mayan equation that predicted when the human race would fail. This inspired me to make a few of my own equations:
Crazy graphics and visual effects + An inspirational message - A good character storyline + Hot guys thrown in the background every so often - Completely unrealistic survivals = A three star movie. The number one thing about it was definitely the special effects. The scenes of earthquakes, fire, and destruction was well worth the FIVE years it took to make the movie. But the acting... eh
Equation number two:
Meet Me Halfway by the Black Eyed Peas + Bad Romance by Lady Gaga + Fireflies by Owl City + I Gotta Feelin by the Black Eyed Peas(yup, i'm still obsessed) = A damn good wave of music coming our way!
Equation number three:
Sexy substitutes in our school - Drama in our school - Drama at home + A beautiful farm on farmville + A T-Shirt event coming up = An exciting week due to the fact that certain people WONT be around tomorrow :D. Here are two of the songs I previously listed, both mildly new releases: There is more blog under the videos!
Ok, and final thing for me to talk about today:
Uh oh, sensitive topic... NOOOOOO! Beard, I would say, are the hardest thing for a guy to pull off, other then being naked... and in my bed... with a... um...
nevermind... off topic. I don't know... all I can focus on is Matthew Morrison making out with that guy in that picture and ahhhhhhhhhh... I'll do beards in the next blog
Blog 152, September 16 2009, Girl+Road+Truck=My Flip
No summary required, it was officially my first real heartpounder of the year.
Somebody who I am not the best of friends with running into the road as a black truck drives at them over the speed limit...
Is it wrong that I want to kill that person now for scaring me so much?
Somebody who I am not the best of friends with running into the road as a black truck drives at them over the speed limit...
Is it wrong that I want to kill that person now for scaring me so much?
Blog 151, September 14 2009, And Guess Who's on the Phone in the Library?!
What happens when a librarian talks on her phone in the library?
What happens when a Mac employee owns a PC?
What happens when a Wal Mart dude disapproves of child slavery?
What happens when I have sex with a really hot and delicous priest? I will leave it up to you to find that one out.
What happens when a Mac employee owns a PC?
What happens when a Wal Mart dude disapproves of child slavery?
What happens when I have sex with a really hot and delicous priest? I will leave it up to you to find that one out.
Blog 150, September 11 2009, Lipsyncing Fail, Body Success
Ok, if any of you have seen Glee, I would like you all to see a little more of it :D:D I freaking love this guy, he is so sexy dancing around and all. I know that this isnt the whole video and all, but its a pretty good video.
Thats really all that I have for today, hopefully I have taken up at least 3 minutes of your day today... happy September 11th
But not in a bad way or anything... I just mean it like, anniversarry, or yeah, YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN!
Thats really all that I have for today, hopefully I have taken up at least 3 minutes of your day today... happy September 11th
But not in a bad way or anything... I just mean it like, anniversarry, or yeah, YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN!
Blog 149, September 10 2009 Hugs, Drugs, and Sawchuck the Flower Child
Have you ever seen something that was so
That you just wanted to scream? I like the message coming from this video, and I support the cause and all, but I just couldnt seem to get over the fact that Perez Hilton is talking about something important, and the fact that he is mildy attractive now...
Uh oh, I'm turning gay...
So yeah, about the title:
I was swarmed with hugs before 2nd period and a teacher laughed at me and called me a pimp, and I then went on to a semenar about not doing drugs and being a good and positive role model for the freshmen.
And at the last part of it, the school president announced that our class theme was hippie, and said "And I have just been informed, that Mr. Sawchuck (beefy, overgrown, pumped on steroids, amazing principal) used to be a hippie in his old days. But they prefer the term flower children"
Nobody really laughed...
Until he started laughing.
I still thought he was gonna sneeze and blow us all away.
Hey Jill
I knew this was gonna...
(Pulls out phone and starts texting)
I hate this (typed on phone)
(Continues texting)
(Looks at me blankly)
:P (Said on phone)
(Attempts to lick my nose)
You smell good
(Puts forhead on my arm)
(Continues laughter)
I have nothing to say
Why do you always do this?
"Because I am bored and dont know what to blog about and nobody is giving me any comments"
I wanna touch your nose
Its nothing like that sound
Its mmmmm
(Rests head in hand)
(Slaps leg)
I didnt slap my leg
(Retarded giggle)
That lady is getting mad at us (Typed on phone)
"What lady?"
The one next to us (Typed on phone)
"Oh, tell her I said hi"
(Shakes head in disapproval)
(Touches herself)
(Opens her legs to the world)
(Strip teases)
Topic one!
How long would it take to do a strip tease in Anarctica?
That you just wanted to scream? I like the message coming from this video, and I support the cause and all, but I just couldnt seem to get over the fact that Perez Hilton is talking about something important, and the fact that he is mildy attractive now...
Uh oh, I'm turning gay...
So yeah, about the title:
I was swarmed with hugs before 2nd period and a teacher laughed at me and called me a pimp, and I then went on to a semenar about not doing drugs and being a good and positive role model for the freshmen.
And at the last part of it, the school president announced that our class theme was hippie, and said "And I have just been informed, that Mr. Sawchuck (beefy, overgrown, pumped on steroids, amazing principal) used to be a hippie in his old days. But they prefer the term flower children"
Nobody really laughed...
Until he started laughing.
I still thought he was gonna sneeze and blow us all away.
Hey Jill
I knew this was gonna...
(Pulls out phone and starts texting)
I hate this (typed on phone)
(Continues texting)
(Looks at me blankly)
:P (Said on phone)
(Attempts to lick my nose)
You smell good
(Puts forhead on my arm)
(Continues laughter)
I have nothing to say
Why do you always do this?
"Because I am bored and dont know what to blog about and nobody is giving me any comments"
I wanna touch your nose
Its nothing like that sound
Its mmmmm
(Rests head in hand)
(Slaps leg)
I didnt slap my leg
(Retarded giggle)
That lady is getting mad at us (Typed on phone)
"What lady?"
The one next to us (Typed on phone)
"Oh, tell her I said hi"
(Shakes head in disapproval)
(Touches herself)
(Opens her legs to the world)
(Strip teases)
Topic one!
How long would it take to do a strip tease in Anarctica?
Blog 148, September 9 2009, 3rd Blog Today, Out of Time
My freaking mother is finally coming to pick me up. Good timing hoe.
So yeah, I now have reached a new level of boredom on the boredomness scale.
Boredom scale:
Kind of entertained
Mildly bored
Insanelly bored
Dying of boredom
Eating a shoe
Humping random old men
And here is me
Oh yeah, thats pretty damn bored
So yeah, I now have reached a new level of boredom on the boredomness scale.
Boredom scale:
Kind of entertained
Mildly bored
Insanelly bored
Dying of boredom
Eating a shoe
Humping random old men
And here is me
Oh yeah, thats pretty damn bored
Blog 147, September 9 2009, Dear Mr./Ms.
Hello, my name is Godfrey Saint. This is a letter to my new teacher, Mr. Amazoncock. My latest interests include groping my boyfriend, Jon Grabme, and touching his beautiful moobs. They are just so amazing and they feel great to nuzzle my head into. My family history is nothing important, except for the hotness of my ginger boyfriend whose hair burns with the fire of a thousand suns. Hey, its hot enough to get me going . My goals for this year are to finally go all the way with my boyfriend and hopefully even incorporate a third person to increase the thrill. Help wanted, are you up for it Mr. Amazoncock? Inside of school, I enjoy the same thing as outside, Jon's cuddlies. And finally, when I grow up, there isnt anything that I want to do, but there is a someone that I want to do, and that is my boyfriend. Jon Grabme. My only medical concern is that I dont seem to be able to keep my boyfriend hard for more then 15 seconds.
Hey, this is Save Thedarkside IV writing a letter describing myself to my new teacher, Ms. Cutkil. I like your name, it reminds me of my pants. Ok, so the first thing, my interests. My interests are Rock Band, Rock Band 2, and black. But not like the black as in the person who is black, I mean blackness, like the black abyss of blackness, such as the black in my SOULLLLLL. So yeah, next is family history. Well I know that there are some vampires in and out of the generation, but I'm not entirely sure how many ghouls there are. Also, there was just recently a Lycan born from some family member, so now there is this huge rivalry between them all and I think its so stupid. Seriously, if they all just got rid of their emotions and cut themselves in an emo corner, life would be better. Ok, so next are my goals for this year. My goals are to get a perfect on Rock Band 2, and to discover a black so black, that I can just stare into it for hours, like my pants. Inside and outside of school, I pretty much like the same things, tight pants, and black. But outside of school kind of sucks, because there is the occasional sun, which just gets really annoying when you are trying to focus on hating it. Finally, when I grow up, I would like to be a black rose, mainly because its black, and I could unwillingly stab people with my thorns of emoness. My only known medical condition is obviously, depression. And BLACKNESS
Hey, this is Save Thedarkside IV writing a letter describing myself to my new teacher, Ms. Cutkil. I like your name, it reminds me of my pants. Ok, so the first thing, my interests. My interests are Rock Band, Rock Band 2, and black. But not like the black as in the person who is black, I mean blackness, like the black abyss of blackness, such as the black in my SOULLLLLL. So yeah, next is family history. Well I know that there are some vampires in and out of the generation, but I'm not entirely sure how many ghouls there are. Also, there was just recently a Lycan born from some family member, so now there is this huge rivalry between them all and I think its so stupid. Seriously, if they all just got rid of their emotions and cut themselves in an emo corner, life would be better. Ok, so next are my goals for this year. My goals are to get a perfect on Rock Band 2, and to discover a black so black, that I can just stare into it for hours, like my pants. Inside and outside of school, I pretty much like the same things, tight pants, and black. But outside of school kind of sucks, because there is the occasional sun, which just gets really annoying when you are trying to focus on hating it. Finally, when I grow up, I would like to be a black rose, mainly because its black, and I could unwillingly stab people with my thorns of emoness. My only known medical condition is obviously, depression. And BLACKNESS
Blog 146, September 9 2009: 99 Reasons for me to Blog
Hey for the day!
Ok, so yeah, mhmm, and done.
Oh yeah, now that I am back, lets get back into the whole commenting thing! If anybody has anything to say, then please say away, I like to hear you talk all day!
(Insert more cheap and pathetic rhymes)
Ok, so yeah. Hopefully this year we can anticipate more hysterical video's, more of typing conversations with Jill, and others, and just so much more stuff to love to type/read about.
By the way, now that Mandy is off at college, and I am insanelly sad about it, I will no longer be able to have my gangsta impressions of my conversations with her. I highly doubt that anybody remembers any of that stuff, but it happened...
Also, more polls to be coming, and yada yada stuff and stuff, but none of it will really be possible unless I get some comments. SO PLEASE GIVE ME SOME IDEAS!
And that (doesnt really) leads me to my topic of the day!
Life Outlooks and Such and All!!!!!
Ok, so my father just threw me in a well, and I was followed by a pack of wild boars in a tupper ware container, also thrown by my dad.
When I landed in the bottom, I broke my left leg, right arm, three ribs, left eyeball, and my toungue. And to make matters worse, when the boars in a contaner fell down, they landed in my mouth and I suffocated and died.
But the good thing is, I was smiling when it happened.
So even though my last memory was terrible, at least it involved me being happy!
Moral of the story:
All wells should be sealed.
Ok, so yeah, mhmm, and done.
Oh yeah, now that I am back, lets get back into the whole commenting thing! If anybody has anything to say, then please say away, I like to hear you talk all day!
(Insert more cheap and pathetic rhymes)
Ok, so yeah. Hopefully this year we can anticipate more hysterical video's, more of typing conversations with Jill, and others, and just so much more stuff to love to type/read about.
By the way, now that Mandy is off at college, and I am insanelly sad about it, I will no longer be able to have my gangsta impressions of my conversations with her. I highly doubt that anybody remembers any of that stuff, but it happened...
Also, more polls to be coming, and yada yada stuff and stuff, but none of it will really be possible unless I get some comments. SO PLEASE GIVE ME SOME IDEAS!
And that (doesnt really) leads me to my topic of the day!
Life Outlooks and Such and All!!!!!
Ok, so my father just threw me in a well, and I was followed by a pack of wild boars in a tupper ware container, also thrown by my dad.
When I landed in the bottom, I broke my left leg, right arm, three ribs, left eyeball, and my toungue. And to make matters worse, when the boars in a contaner fell down, they landed in my mouth and I suffocated and died.
But the good thing is, I was smiling when it happened.
So even though my last memory was terrible, at least it involved me being happy!
Moral of the story:
All wells should be sealed.
Blog 145, September 8, Purple Pants, Freshmen, and Crazy-Ass Teachers
Yeah, officially back to blogging.
And here is my daily planner, to possibly be changed in the future:
Go to library
Hour on computer (Blog, Facebook, Porn, Brent Everett, Sexiness, Orgasm)
Do homework at library (as much as I can)
My mom picks me up after work and gives me a BILLION dollars
Go home and finish homework if needed
And that is my daily/life planner.
So yeah, I have now been told so many things by my teachers and I am all just like WHAT?! because I think that they are hiding secrets in my pants.
My teacher for Parenting walked up to me as I walked in (I have never talked to her previously) and says, "Geoff, I love your pants." I just stare at her blankly and say "Thanks?"
She then approaches me as I am walking out of the class and says "I am giving you a 100 on your assignment because of your pants."
I laughed and she laughed and I thanked her and she raped my face.
Not really.
Jillian is a lesbian on crack attempting to open a can of prune juice without a t-shirt on.
Topic 1: Workout
Yeah, I have fully decided that I am going to start losing weight whatever it takes. So along with my thousand other goals this year, I am going to start exercising when I am at home. I find that if I am at home doing my homework, watching TV, and exercising, it will perfectly distract me from any possible car crashes that may occur in my house hold.
Such as: menopause, mid-life crisis, divorce, hurricanes, flood damage, fires, and ninja invasions.
My first goal, starting small: LOSE 5 POUNDS
It doesnt really sound like anything, but I know that if I start with too big of a goal, and it isnt reached shortly, I will lose all hope. I need to be able to see the results in order to be happy, or else I normally just give up...
Ok, so thats my blog for the day!
I will sign back on tomorrow. Peace and love and no death and purple
And here is my daily planner, to possibly be changed in the future:
Go to library
Hour on computer (Blog, Facebook, Porn, Brent Everett, Sexiness, Orgasm)
Do homework at library (as much as I can)
My mom picks me up after work and gives me a BILLION dollars
Go home and finish homework if needed
And that is my daily/life planner.
So yeah, I have now been told so many things by my teachers and I am all just like WHAT?! because I think that they are hiding secrets in my pants.
My teacher for Parenting walked up to me as I walked in (I have never talked to her previously) and says, "Geoff, I love your pants." I just stare at her blankly and say "Thanks?"
She then approaches me as I am walking out of the class and says "I am giving you a 100 on your assignment because of your pants."
I laughed and she laughed and I thanked her and she raped my face.
Not really.
Jillian is a lesbian on crack attempting to open a can of prune juice without a t-shirt on.
Topic 1: Workout
Yeah, I have fully decided that I am going to start losing weight whatever it takes. So along with my thousand other goals this year, I am going to start exercising when I am at home. I find that if I am at home doing my homework, watching TV, and exercising, it will perfectly distract me from any possible car crashes that may occur in my house hold.
Such as: menopause, mid-life crisis, divorce, hurricanes, flood damage, fires, and ninja invasions.
My first goal, starting small: LOSE 5 POUNDS
It doesnt really sound like anything, but I know that if I start with too big of a goal, and it isnt reached shortly, I will lose all hope. I need to be able to see the results in order to be happy, or else I normally just give up...
Ok, so thats my blog for the day!
I will sign back on tomorrow. Peace and love and no death and purple
Blog 144, September 7 2009, Back to School, Back to Blog!
Oh yeah, I will now be back at the library and will hopefully reach my goal of blog 300 by the end of my junior year!
And I also want to have about 25-30 followers by the end of the year, yeah, I can hope...
Ok, so I dont really know what to talk about today, but I am just blogging today to tell you that I am back from a summer of adventure, heartbreak (not really), craziness, weight loss, weight gain, and stuff. WOOT! PORN
And I also want to have about 25-30 followers by the end of the year, yeah, I can hope...
Ok, so I dont really know what to talk about today, but I am just blogging today to tell you that I am back from a summer of adventure, heartbreak (not really), craziness, weight loss, weight gain, and stuff. WOOT! PORN
Blog 143, August 28 2009, I'm Having Some Kidney Issues
I just recently had a conversation with a friend named Jillian. Here it is:
Jillian: I have a question...
6:19pmGeoffry yes?
6:19pmJillian Was it you with the small kidney stone or the peice of kidney that was hurting them?
6:20pmGeoffry yes
6:20pmJillian No what on were you?
6:20pmGeoffry rephrase
6:20pmJillian Did you have a small kidney stone? or a small peice of kidney in your kidney?
6:21pmGeoffry i had a forming one that is now just stationary
6:22pmJillian Ok aight. Cause one of my friends is haveing stomach problems again. And I couldn't remember what one he was. Lol.
6:22pmGeoffry quick question: does anything you say even make sense to you?
6:22pmJillian Yeah.
That whole thing made sense to me.
6:23pmGeoffry do you have a small peice of brain ni your brain?
6:23pmJillian Lol. Yeah I knew what I was talking about. And if you were the one with the peice of kidney in your kidney it would make sense to you too.
6:24pmJillian I know.
It all makes sense to me.
6:25pmGeoffry I WAS THE KIDNEY STONE person, but nobody has a kidney in their kidney...
6:25pmJillian "if you" was the main words
6:25pmGeoffry i was
6:25pmJillian Lol yeah. (name) does thats why he went to the hospital like 7 times last year. Lol.
6:25pmGeoffry Ok, fail
6:26pmJillian No.
6:26pmGeoffry nobody has kidney in their kidney
6:26pmJillian He has a PIECE of kidney in his kidney.
6:26pmGeoffry Kidney stone?
6:26pmJillian No. Lol.
6:26pmJillian Lol.
6:27pmGeoffry Its not funny
6:27pmJillian It all makes sense to me.
6:27pmGeoffry I DONT CARE
It makes no sense to any of the 5 people here
even the dog
6:28pmJillian I just didn't want to feel like a jerk for not remembering if it was you or him for both kidney problems.
I feel like I should rephase that.
6:28pmGeoffry yeah
how bout this whole conversatiojn
6:29pmJillian It make sense. Okay. I ask you if it was you that had the kidney stone or if it was you that had the piece in your kidney.
AND i HAD THE kidney stone
6:32pmGeoffry u be odd
6:33pmJillian ITS NOT A KIDNEY
6:33pmGeoffry thanks?
is it a mexican?
Hello, anybody? Make sense? no
Jillian: I have a question...
6:19pmGeoffry yes?
6:19pmJillian Was it you with the small kidney stone or the peice of kidney that was hurting them?
6:20pmGeoffry yes
6:20pmJillian No what on were you?
6:20pmGeoffry rephrase
6:20pmJillian Did you have a small kidney stone? or a small peice of kidney in your kidney?
6:21pmGeoffry i had a forming one that is now just stationary
6:22pmJillian Ok aight. Cause one of my friends is haveing stomach problems again. And I couldn't remember what one he was. Lol.
6:22pmGeoffry quick question: does anything you say even make sense to you?
6:22pmJillian Yeah.
That whole thing made sense to me.
6:23pmGeoffry do you have a small peice of brain ni your brain?
6:23pmJillian Lol. Yeah I knew what I was talking about. And if you were the one with the peice of kidney in your kidney it would make sense to you too.
6:24pmJillian I know.
It all makes sense to me.
6:25pmGeoffry I WAS THE KIDNEY STONE person, but nobody has a kidney in their kidney...
6:25pmJillian "if you" was the main words
6:25pmGeoffry i was
6:25pmJillian Lol yeah. (name) does thats why he went to the hospital like 7 times last year. Lol.
6:25pmGeoffry Ok, fail
6:26pmJillian No.
6:26pmGeoffry nobody has kidney in their kidney
6:26pmJillian He has a PIECE of kidney in his kidney.
6:26pmGeoffry Kidney stone?
6:26pmJillian No. Lol.
6:26pmJillian Lol.
6:27pmGeoffry Its not funny
6:27pmJillian It all makes sense to me.
6:27pmGeoffry I DONT CARE
It makes no sense to any of the 5 people here
even the dog
6:28pmJillian I just didn't want to feel like a jerk for not remembering if it was you or him for both kidney problems.
I feel like I should rephase that.
6:28pmGeoffry yeah
how bout this whole conversatiojn
6:29pmJillian It make sense. Okay. I ask you if it was you that had the kidney stone or if it was you that had the piece in your kidney.
AND i HAD THE kidney stone
6:32pmGeoffry u be odd
6:33pmJillian ITS NOT A KIDNEY
6:33pmGeoffry thanks?
is it a mexican?
Hello, anybody? Make sense? no
Blog 142, August 24 2009 GTC
I say that everybody should just GTC.
It would eliminate so much stupid little drama bullshit if everybody just did it. It isnt even that big of a deal.
Just GTC.
When you do it, you realize how stupid everything else going on around you is.
People complaining about their friends, boyfriends, girlfriends, people they like, mortal enemies, all of it is just so pointless and stupid.
Dont get me wrong, I like listening to all of the stuff going on, but its not gonna get to me and I am not going to get involved unless I am giving people advice on how to become uninvolved.
But the stupid BS that other people are trying to drag me into currently (see blog 141) is just pathetic, good luck people.
By the way, I finally understand text messaging and typing.
Yeah, completely random right?
But here is the thing, nobody can really determine what my emotion is right now. It could be stressed, calm, confused, etc., but I can guess that as you are reading it, you are picking up at least one emotion.
And the weird thing is, that emotion is YOURS!
Just like if I text somebody and say
I mean it in a frantic way because I am in a rush, but the interpreter is stressed out, and therefore thinks that I am text yelling at them.
Hehe, I should put the word text in front of every emotion I type.
So yeah, I am not going to let and bullshit make me Text upset.
Wow, that bored...
It would eliminate so much stupid little drama bullshit if everybody just did it. It isnt even that big of a deal.
Just GTC.
When you do it, you realize how stupid everything else going on around you is.
People complaining about their friends, boyfriends, girlfriends, people they like, mortal enemies, all of it is just so pointless and stupid.
Dont get me wrong, I like listening to all of the stuff going on, but its not gonna get to me and I am not going to get involved unless I am giving people advice on how to become uninvolved.
But the stupid BS that other people are trying to drag me into currently (see blog 141) is just pathetic, good luck people.
By the way, I finally understand text messaging and typing.
Yeah, completely random right?
But here is the thing, nobody can really determine what my emotion is right now. It could be stressed, calm, confused, etc., but I can guess that as you are reading it, you are picking up at least one emotion.
And the weird thing is, that emotion is YOURS!
Just like if I text somebody and say
I mean it in a frantic way because I am in a rush, but the interpreter is stressed out, and therefore thinks that I am text yelling at them.
Hehe, I should put the word text in front of every emotion I type.
So yeah, I am not going to let and bullshit make me Text upset.
Wow, that bored...
Blog 141, August 24 2009 Wait, Why the FUCK?!
This is the actual post location. Its just me complaining. If you have an account you can friend me on it. This will be where I am putting all of my more private blogs from here on in. But dont worry, I will still be on straightishgaygod for a long time :D:D
This is the actual post location. Its just me complaining. If you have an account you can friend me on it. This will be where I am putting all of my more private blogs from here on in. But dont worry, I will still be on straightishgaygod for a long time :D:D
Blog 140, August 21 2009 You Want me to do WHAT!?
Ok, quick summary of my past day:
Megan Sarah spend night
Watch movies
They leave
Baby popping out of vagina
Family walks in
TV off...
Freak out over 16th birthday tomorrow
Yell at stepdad for yelling about the pool
Get in fight with stepdad over storms
Get in fight with stepdad over weather
Get in fight with stepdad over the garbage
Get in fight with mom over fighting with stepdad
Go to library to reorganize party
And blog about it.
Section nobody will want to read: WHAT IF it storms so badly that we have to stay inside the whole time and people get bored then I have absolutely no idea what to do so they start leaving. What happens when we cant go out and play manhunt because of the storm. Or what if we can, but half of the people dont want to go play because of the storm or getting dirty or oh my god I am fucking screwed and I have no idea what the shit to do.
Megan Sarah spend night
Watch movies
They leave
Baby popping out of vagina
Family walks in
TV off...
Freak out over 16th birthday tomorrow
Yell at stepdad for yelling about the pool
Get in fight with stepdad over storms
Get in fight with stepdad over weather
Get in fight with stepdad over the garbage
Get in fight with mom over fighting with stepdad
Go to library to reorganize party
And blog about it.
Section nobody will want to read: WHAT IF it storms so badly that we have to stay inside the whole time and people get bored then I have absolutely no idea what to do so they start leaving. What happens when we cant go out and play manhunt because of the storm. Or what if we can, but half of the people dont want to go play because of the storm or getting dirty or oh my god I am fucking screwed and I have no idea what the shit to do.
Blog 139, August 17 2009, Um... Awkward...
Yeah, I have stumbled upon this video...
Well, how about this brings us to a topic, cause I would say that it does...
I love the College Humor show, but its so old I kind of wonder if they are even in college anymore... O.o
Oh yeah, so awkward moments, they truly fill the world with amazingness and craziness.
For example: Walking in on your parents watching porn.
Saying you just got your period as a crowded room goes quiet.
Insulting your mother by text and accidentally sending it to her (personal experience :()
Well, my solutions to awkward moments:
Randomly saying dramatically: "So there I was, naked in the amazon..."
I personally like to say "Did you know awkward moments are signs that everybody in the room is horny?"
Rip off all clothing and do the tango with a wall (only for advanced awkward moment breakers)
So yeah... I love Joan Rivers, she is so harsh and grating and old and ugly that you have no choice but to hate her, unless that is, that she saved you and your fourty two kittens from your burning down barn...
But she has never done that to me...
Therefore I love her.
And here is the video explosion of the week with commentary brought to you by my friends 42 kittens:
10 seconds: Lets start the pictures already...
15 seconds: Please
21 seconds: That cat has nice eyes ;)
24 seconds: Now that is one angry woody
28 seconds: I wish I were that bike...
32 seconds: Is that my kindergarten class?
36: Did I not just see that?
40: I guess more then the passengers were tipsy...
44: Endangered species, a sign, and a crotch shot... hmmm...
48: Did we all miss something?
52: But who is behind those men??? Me.
56: I think the guy on the right is laughing...
60: Does anybody ever wonder how stuff like that happens?
1:03- Does that make me not a man?
1:05- Ok, that plane is definitely out of place
1:09- I dont get it...
1:14- I should try that do...
1:17- We dont drink and cry because bottle caps will be shoved in our eyes... odd
1:24- How about that shirt has two girls and is in Canada?
1:28- Wait... is his thigh bleeding?
And this is where I end and give up because it takes to much time and my fingers are exhausted.
Nevermind, no they arent...
Blog 138, August 15 2009 Movies of Late
Lately, I have been at the movies more and more often, by that, I mean, just this summer.
I have actually become closer to movies then I was before and as impossible as I thought that would be, it has happened.
For example, I have seen a huge variety of movies all the way from Marley and Me to My Bloody Valentine, and even Bride Wars.
Almost all of which have taken the favorite for their genre, except for Bride Wars, which was just a really good, cute-ish movie. But my favorite movie lately was definitely Marley and Me because I was really able to connect with all of the characters (minus the multiple children and marriage and being in a relationship with a woman and them being in their 40's) To shorten that, I only relate to the relationship with the dog which I think was one of the most cinematic successes in a long time.
Wow, that was very movie critic like...
But yeah, so many movies lately, and so many more good ones coming out.
Yeah, well, did y'all know that they say that there are some good movies coming out?
Coming out...
Kind of like, OH MY GOD! Has anybody heard of the Naked Brothers Band?!
I forgot that they have a song called "Coming Out" All I remember are some of the lyrics, being: "IM COMING OUT, IM OUT IM OUT! Cause I'm out"t
The ironic part is that the lead singer is a 14 year old who wears tight pants and skinny T's, who has a girlfriend, and a younger brother, who isnt in the band... but is gay.
I have actually become closer to movies then I was before and as impossible as I thought that would be, it has happened.
For example, I have seen a huge variety of movies all the way from Marley and Me to My Bloody Valentine, and even Bride Wars.
Almost all of which have taken the favorite for their genre, except for Bride Wars, which was just a really good, cute-ish movie. But my favorite movie lately was definitely Marley and Me because I was really able to connect with all of the characters (minus the multiple children and marriage and being in a relationship with a woman and them being in their 40's) To shorten that, I only relate to the relationship with the dog which I think was one of the most cinematic successes in a long time.
Wow, that was very movie critic like...
But yeah, so many movies lately, and so many more good ones coming out.
Yeah, well, did y'all know that they say that there are some good movies coming out?
Coming out...
Kind of like, OH MY GOD! Has anybody heard of the Naked Brothers Band?!
I forgot that they have a song called "Coming Out" All I remember are some of the lyrics, being: "IM COMING OUT, IM OUT IM OUT! Cause I'm out"t
The ironic part is that the lead singer is a 14 year old who wears tight pants and skinny T's, who has a girlfriend, and a younger brother, who isnt in the band... but is gay.
Blog 137, August 15 2009 They... WHO?!
Ok, I have been wanting to talk about this topic for so long now, but everytime I get on a computer, I completely forget to type about it.
Hot asian guy just walked by
Ok, back to the main topic... They.
Ok, so I was sitting on my porch a little while ago with my sister and her two friends. They were talking about babies.
All of a sudden, my sister, April, said "They say that tanning oil actually ruins a tan..."
I just sat there and stared at her blankly.
She noticed my open mouthed gaze but didnt bother to say anything.
Then a little while later, one of them said yet again: "they say that"
Ok, now lets do some sentence breakdown: "They" WHO THE HELL ARE THEY?!
Even I have done that so many times and I dont even know who I am talking about when I say it. So therefore I have come up with a list of possibilities for who "they" are:
Preppy Girls
My Dog
So far thats all I got...
But you never know, "They" could even be a persons split personalities or even their menopausal mothers...
But yeah, so I end my topic of the day with this quote:
"My dog took a trip to transylvania and came back as my mom"
That made no sense at all...
Hot asian guy just walked by
Ok, back to the main topic... They.
Ok, so I was sitting on my porch a little while ago with my sister and her two friends. They were talking about babies.
All of a sudden, my sister, April, said "They say that tanning oil actually ruins a tan..."
I just sat there and stared at her blankly.
She noticed my open mouthed gaze but didnt bother to say anything.
Then a little while later, one of them said yet again: "they say that"
Ok, now lets do some sentence breakdown: "They" WHO THE HELL ARE THEY?!
Even I have done that so many times and I dont even know who I am talking about when I say it. So therefore I have come up with a list of possibilities for who "they" are:
Preppy Girls
My Dog
So far thats all I got...
But you never know, "They" could even be a persons split personalities or even their menopausal mothers...
But yeah, so I end my topic of the day with this quote:
"My dog took a trip to transylvania and came back as my mom"
That made no sense at all...
Blog 136, August 12 2009 Tag Away
I dont know if anybody has even noticed, but I havent actually tagged any of my blogs. So apparently, if I do so, then that will lead to the blog being found on the web. OOOOOOOHHHHH
Blog 135, August 11 2009
Holy snap, I just realized that licking a slug can give you a toad penis...
Four letter words just to get me alone...
I love that song, actually, I pretty much love every single British song that there is in the world... especially the ones with hot guys in the background.
Well, here's a music video with hot guys pretty much every five seconds:
Well that sucks, I cant even embed that video...
Well, I like that she uses the word "fantastical" in the song :D:D
Ok, bored.
Jill, entertain me
I just heard the fist thing?
(Awkward smile)
(lean back then forward again)
(louder laugh)
(trying to hold back laugh)
I could do so many things right now that you would type
(Left eyebrow raises)
(Falls backwards)
(Nods head)
(turns away)
I...i... kuh
(sets head down while laughing)
I really want to do something but then you would type it, be like... um...
(fails biting attempt)
(attempts to touch keyboard)
I cant do it
(Parts hair to the right)
Your socks annoy me so much
Can you please just like cut your socks
Oh my god, cummon, please
I need like a wall outlet
My phones about to die because of you
(Staring pointlessly)
Why are you so tan?
Im about to do the Meghan thing with the hands.
Ow my pinky
I really just want to poke you
Four letter words just to get me alone...
I love that song, actually, I pretty much love every single British song that there is in the world... especially the ones with hot guys in the background.
Well, here's a music video with hot guys pretty much every five seconds:
Well that sucks, I cant even embed that video...
Well, I like that she uses the word "fantastical" in the song :D:D
Ok, bored.
Jill, entertain me
I just heard the fist thing?
(Awkward smile)
(lean back then forward again)
(louder laugh)
(trying to hold back laugh)
I could do so many things right now that you would type
(Left eyebrow raises)
(Falls backwards)
(Nods head)
(turns away)
I...i... kuh
(sets head down while laughing)
I really want to do something but then you would type it, be like... um...
(fails biting attempt)
(attempts to touch keyboard)
I cant do it
(Parts hair to the right)
Your socks annoy me so much
Can you please just like cut your socks
Oh my god, cummon, please
I need like a wall outlet
My phones about to die because of you
(Staring pointlessly)
Why are you so tan?
Im about to do the Meghan thing with the hands.
Ow my pinky
I really just want to poke you
Blog 134, August 6 2009 It IS a Problem
Ok, have you ever seen something in life that disturbed you in such a way that you know it will help the world tremendously?
Welcome to The Cove
Thats fucked up right? Its a complete documentary, no acting or anything, and it looks like something right out of a tragedy, but I hope that its good. Its already out in select theaters, I just cant find any near myself. DAMN!
Also, here is another movie preview that is gonna be (hopefully) amazing
Jennifer's Body
I guess its like a vampire flick or something like that...
Oh yeah, has anybody noticed that Megan Fox's face looks a little bit different then it does in Transformers?
Well... thats because for both of the Transformers movies, her entire body was digitally animated in every single scene of the film to make her look "hotter"... well, that's not a smack in the face to her at all...
If you know of any movies coming out that you think might be good, give a comment, Please!
These are the movies I know of:
The Perfect Getaway
Halloween 2
Jennifer's Body
Couple's Retreat
Inglorious Basterds
Taking Woodstock
The Final Destination
The Time Traveler's Wife
I bolded The Stepfather, because it has the guy from Nip/Tuck in it, and I love him, and he does great sex scenes... but yeah, the movie looks amazing!
Here's the trailer, and below it is one of his sex scenes, dont worry, it isnt all that bad :D:D
Now sex scene :D:D:D:D:D
L o l
Welcome to The Cove
Thats fucked up right? Its a complete documentary, no acting or anything, and it looks like something right out of a tragedy, but I hope that its good. Its already out in select theaters, I just cant find any near myself. DAMN!
Also, here is another movie preview that is gonna be (hopefully) amazing
Jennifer's Body
I guess its like a vampire flick or something like that...
Oh yeah, has anybody noticed that Megan Fox's face looks a little bit different then it does in Transformers?
Well... thats because for both of the Transformers movies, her entire body was digitally animated in every single scene of the film to make her look "hotter"... well, that's not a smack in the face to her at all...
If you know of any movies coming out that you think might be good, give a comment, Please!
These are the movies I know of:
The Perfect Getaway
Halloween 2
Jennifer's Body
Couple's Retreat
Inglorious Basterds
Taking Woodstock
The Final Destination
The Time Traveler's Wife
I bolded The Stepfather, because it has the guy from Nip/Tuck in it, and I love him, and he does great sex scenes... but yeah, the movie looks amazing!
Here's the trailer, and below it is one of his sex scenes, dont worry, it isnt all that bad :D:D
Now sex scene :D:D:D:D:D
L o l
Blog 133, August 2 2009 Adoption is no Option
HOLY CRAP! I saw Orphan, AND IT WAS AMAZING! It was flawless suspense, crazy mind-effing stuff. Just plain old flat out amazingly wow.
The story has you sickened, on edge, and jaw dropped.
I almost left because of how disturbing I thought it was about to get, but it never actually reached that level, it just skidded along the border... just, wow
Oh yeah, here is a random picture with a story attached to it!

There once was a man named Johnson who wanted to sweep a damsel in distress, Whitney, off of her feet.
Nobody really knows why she was a damsel in distress, but they do know that her husband just left her, she got shot in the shoulder, her children attempted to murder her but ended up falling off of the cliff, and that she has an outie.
Well, Johnson walked up to her and whipped out his gun, I mean, the gun from his pants... and he pulled the trigger. He put it away and she stood there bewildered. (Hint hint, this image is the picture!) He fell to the ground, with a bullet-hole through his heart.
"With you in my life,
My heart will never bleed."
Quote of the day:
"I hate ants, I mean, I was over at my aunts house a little while ago and saw a TV show about killer aunts so I hate aunts now."
Myth 1 completely busted. I have been bitten by a daddy long leg and I am not yet...
welll mi snse o site s slwl faing.,.,/
Jah, es ist sehr hasslich!
(Well, I can one up your stupid little African language)
Its German...
(I know sign language!)
Um... you do know that...
I really dont understand this...
What the hell is going on?
Ok, moving on. I also just saw The Hangover recently. It really was an absolutely hysterical movie. One of the guys, I dont know what the actors name is, was a gay Asian mafia leader with a mangina...
It was really awkward...
He jumped out of a trunk and straddled a hot guys face then hit him with a crobar... by the way, the asian guy was naked... and then he continued to hit everybody else with the crobar, still naked, and then finally run away...
Oh yeah! To explain the picture up at the top with the very true story, I have been using this book to learn how to draw basic figures, and that was just me copying a random picture, I actually have not been able to re-draw the cowboy or Whitney, but eventually I hope to be able to master it. Drawing really is not easy for me at all though, I am so
Jealous of all of the people who are able to draw things and occasions and events so well. They have all told me that it took them quite an amount of time to get used to drawing and they just got better with years of practice. I am hoping that I can join them in having at least some artistic talents.
UH OH! I am watching a new game show called 20Q and there is a prison guard playing and he just threatened to throw the british female host behind his bars...
I'd like him to throw me behind his bars...
Oh... um...
Where have you been?
(I have been flipping out at you in sign language)\
Oh... um... but I dont speak sign language...
So what, you're just gonna cus me out in that, please, oh no, PLEASE DONT!
[I have been updated!]
[FINALLY! Bill Gates finally loosened his tye, got laid, and updated this damned laptop]
Is Bill Gates hot? Or gay?
[No... he's actua]
20Q is back!
{Its V.3, mind you}
Fuck you up in the left ear with a Wii Remote Control
Reverted. Teehee
This show is really weird...
I cant wait for the new Degrassi movie coming up, it looks jam packed of godliness.
I have an er...
{Spare me}
"Erie feeling" you butfore...
So yeah
{I hate V.2}
[Wtf?! You didnt hate me when we were in the elevator and you ripped off my PC and started su...]
{Hey, its not my fault V.2's Hard-drive is 5 times larger then yours, even on a good day}
(You asshole!)
[You're just pissed because you know I can download way better then you!]
{Its true, but your memory isnt exactly that long lasting...}
Wait, I thought that you were all just one person...
(Suck my google)
The story has you sickened, on edge, and jaw dropped.
I almost left because of how disturbing I thought it was about to get, but it never actually reached that level, it just skidded along the border... just, wow
Oh yeah, here is a random picture with a story attached to it!

There once was a man named Johnson who wanted to sweep a damsel in distress, Whitney, off of her feet.
Nobody really knows why she was a damsel in distress, but they do know that her husband just left her, she got shot in the shoulder, her children attempted to murder her but ended up falling off of the cliff, and that she has an outie.
Well, Johnson walked up to her and whipped out his gun, I mean, the gun from his pants... and he pulled the trigger. He put it away and she stood there bewildered. (Hint hint, this image is the picture!) He fell to the ground, with a bullet-hole through his heart.
"With you in my life,
My heart will never bleed."
Quote of the day:
"I hate ants, I mean, I was over at my aunts house a little while ago and saw a TV show about killer aunts so I hate aunts now."
Myth 1 completely busted. I have been bitten by a daddy long leg and I am not yet...
welll mi snse o site s slwl faing.,.,/
Jah, es ist sehr hasslich!
(Well, I can one up your stupid little African language)
Its German...
(I know sign language!)
Um... you do know that...
I really dont understand this...
What the hell is going on?
Ok, moving on. I also just saw The Hangover recently. It really was an absolutely hysterical movie. One of the guys, I dont know what the actors name is, was a gay Asian mafia leader with a mangina...
It was really awkward...
He jumped out of a trunk and straddled a hot guys face then hit him with a crobar... by the way, the asian guy was naked... and then he continued to hit everybody else with the crobar, still naked, and then finally run away...
Oh yeah! To explain the picture up at the top with the very true story, I have been using this book to learn how to draw basic figures, and that was just me copying a random picture, I actually have not been able to re-draw the cowboy or Whitney, but eventually I hope to be able to master it. Drawing really is not easy for me at all though, I am so
Jealous of all of the people who are able to draw things and occasions and events so well. They have all told me that it took them quite an amount of time to get used to drawing and they just got better with years of practice. I am hoping that I can join them in having at least some artistic talents.
UH OH! I am watching a new game show called 20Q and there is a prison guard playing and he just threatened to throw the british female host behind his bars...
I'd like him to throw me behind his bars...
Oh... um...
Where have you been?
(I have been flipping out at you in sign language)\
Oh... um... but I dont speak sign language...
So what, you're just gonna cus me out in that, please, oh no, PLEASE DONT!
[I have been updated!]
[FINALLY! Bill Gates finally loosened his tye, got laid, and updated this damned laptop]
Is Bill Gates hot? Or gay?
[No... he's actua]
20Q is back!
{Its V.3, mind you}
Fuck you up in the left ear with a Wii Remote Control
Reverted. Teehee
This show is really weird...
I cant wait for the new Degrassi movie coming up, it looks jam packed of godliness.
I have an er...
{Spare me}
"Erie feeling" you butfore...
So yeah
{I hate V.2}
[Wtf?! You didnt hate me when we were in the elevator and you ripped off my PC and started su...]
{Hey, its not my fault V.2's Hard-drive is 5 times larger then yours, even on a good day}
(You asshole!)
[You're just pissed because you know I can download way better then you!]
{Its true, but your memory isnt exactly that long lasting...}
Wait, I thought that you were all just one person...
(Suck my google)
Blog 132, July 28 2009 Duct Taped in Life
Yeah, video's of people being duct taped to very weird places. HYSTERICAL!
I like this one, but the first one definitely takes the win for today so far.
I like this one, but the first one definitely takes the win for today so far.
Blog 131, July 25 2009 Sorority Row Don't Yet Exist
Yes, bad grammar in the title.
I wanted to see that movie so bad, but it turns out that it isnt even in the theater yet. I cant wait to see my friends reactions when they find this out.
I got all of their hopes up to go see this movie today, but I think that we are just going to end up going and seeing Orphan, which looks equally crazy.
Oh! Before I get way off topic and completely forget, I got some songs for the day.
Song number 1: It's a pretty common and well-known song, but the music video is relatively new. Its a big heart-warmer, I freaking love it. My face went red at the end. SO GOOD!
Its so cute! And I can kind of relate to the words, not that I havfe ended up with the person, but sometimes I think that about those girls who are dating the guys that I really want to be with... :(:(
Ok, well that was randomly sad and serious
Ok, back to more music, here is another song.
Its my vote for the best comeback of the week:
David Cook: Come Back to Me
Its pretty good, nothing insanelly special, but I like it.
I really like how the song sounds in this video...
I wish that I could show you all the actual video, but the embedding was disabled.
Seriously, I am now officially bored.
They are gonna be so upset when they find out that I cant bring them to go see that movie, ughness.
Ok, update...
I dont hate him, and I understand, especially if he feels bad. I just want to say that I am sorry, I should've controlled my urges... and not made you regret what you did in the end.
Hopefully you read this...
Watch this random fat lady walk in a bikini.
MMMMMMMM, I would(not) tap that
I wanted to see that movie so bad, but it turns out that it isnt even in the theater yet. I cant wait to see my friends reactions when they find this out.
I got all of their hopes up to go see this movie today, but I think that we are just going to end up going and seeing Orphan, which looks equally crazy.
Oh! Before I get way off topic and completely forget, I got some songs for the day.
Song number 1: It's a pretty common and well-known song, but the music video is relatively new. Its a big heart-warmer, I freaking love it. My face went red at the end. SO GOOD!
Its so cute! And I can kind of relate to the words, not that I havfe ended up with the person, but sometimes I think that about those girls who are dating the guys that I really want to be with... :(:(
Ok, well that was randomly sad and serious
Ok, back to more music, here is another song.
Its my vote for the best comeback of the week:
David Cook: Come Back to Me
Its pretty good, nothing insanelly special, but I like it.
I really like how the song sounds in this video...
I wish that I could show you all the actual video, but the embedding was disabled.
Seriously, I am now officially bored.
They are gonna be so upset when they find out that I cant bring them to go see that movie, ughness.
Ok, update...
I dont hate him, and I understand, especially if he feels bad. I just want to say that I am sorry, I should've controlled my urges... and not made you regret what you did in the end.
Hopefully you read this...
Watch this random fat lady walk in a bikini.
MMMMMMMM, I would(not) tap that
Blog 130, July 24 2009 Texting the Mysterious
Lately I have been texting and falling for some people and the problem being, its two people, not one. I dont know if I am actually falling for the guy that I have known for two years (G2), but he is really nice and an amazing friend. I know that I only like him as an amazing friend, and I think that it will just stay that way.
The other guy that I have only known for 1 year (g1) seems to be the guy that I am starting to like. I am trying my hardest not to like anybody anymore, but I guess its just something thats really hard to resist doing, yeah...
I'm texting g1 right now and he claims to have had sex with multiple girls, but something tells me he's lying. He's kind of a Tony in the making, but a lot more nerdy. He's just like Tony in the ego and cockiness department, except his isnt insanelly dominating over his personality and he is still nice all the time.
OK, out of the nappy crap, and into some funny crap.
Slash shocking crap.
Slash music
Slash cool stuff
First of all, here is a new song that I have just made notice of, its sooooo good and amazing. I love the beat. It gets my foot tappin every time.
Yeah, I'm tappin my foot now, lol, love it so much, definitely my recommended song of the week/month unless I can find something better.
Thats all of the video's I have right now, I dont know, I can hopefully find some more another time. Peace for now :P
The other guy that I have only known for 1 year (g1) seems to be the guy that I am starting to like. I am trying my hardest not to like anybody anymore, but I guess its just something thats really hard to resist doing, yeah...
I'm texting g1 right now and he claims to have had sex with multiple girls, but something tells me he's lying. He's kind of a Tony in the making, but a lot more nerdy. He's just like Tony in the ego and cockiness department, except his isnt insanelly dominating over his personality and he is still nice all the time.
OK, out of the nappy crap, and into some funny crap.
Slash shocking crap.
Slash music
Slash cool stuff
First of all, here is a new song that I have just made notice of, its sooooo good and amazing. I love the beat. It gets my foot tappin every time.
Yeah, I'm tappin my foot now, lol, love it so much, definitely my recommended song of the week/month unless I can find something better.
Thats all of the video's I have right now, I dont know, I can hopefully find some more another time. Peace for now :P
Blog 128, July 22, 2009
Holy crap, been a while since my last blog. Sorry, I guess that it has something to do with the three weeks of camp and constant hanging out I've been doing.
Ok, well now that I am back I would like to bring you up to date with some video's that can explain my time away:
Different types of music from my normal, but I like it! :D
I saw three different movies in two days! Harry Potter 6 and Bruno, then I Love You Beth Cooper.
This next video makes no sense at all, but its the camp that I have been at, I freaking love that place!
My mother wants to divorce my step dad. Even though there was no screaming audience in the background, and he didnt reply with a NOAOAOAAHAHHHAH!, my mom said she wants to divorce and move out.
Oh yeah, a lot of walking!
And of course, one final thing:
I think that Daisy of Love is probably the number one thing in my life lately.
WOOT! I hope Flex wins, he needs to be naked and standing next to me. PLEASE!
Last thing thats going on lately is a HUGE family feud between real sister, step sister, step father, and mother. HA! I'm not involved! boo-yah
Peace for now :D
Ok, well now that I am back I would like to bring you up to date with some video's that can explain my time away:
Different types of music from my normal, but I like it! :D
I saw three different movies in two days! Harry Potter 6 and Bruno, then I Love You Beth Cooper.
This next video makes no sense at all, but its the camp that I have been at, I freaking love that place!
My mother wants to divorce my step dad. Even though there was no screaming audience in the background, and he didnt reply with a NOAOAOAAHAHHHAH!, my mom said she wants to divorce and move out.
Oh yeah, a lot of walking!
And of course, one final thing:
I think that Daisy of Love is probably the number one thing in my life lately.
WOOT! I hope Flex wins, he needs to be naked and standing next to me. PLEASE!
Last thing thats going on lately is a HUGE family feud between real sister, step sister, step father, and mother. HA! I'm not involved! boo-yah
Peace for now :D
Blog 127, June 19 2009 One of Those Blogs None of You Like
I dont know why, but I'm just in one of those moods where I kind of just want to go home and crawl up into a ball in the corner of my room. Its a weird feeling. I think that its just knowing that yet again, the guy I like is definitely:
1. Not liking me
2. Wouldnt give me 1/8 his attention
Worst part of this one is, he's gay
1. Not liking me
2. Wouldnt give me 1/8 his attention
Worst part of this one is, he's gay
Blog 126, June 19 2009 Now its the Global Regents
As every other day of this stupid week, I find myself chilling at the school, just kind of waiting for my regents. Except today I am much more tired and feel like I am going to kill over any second now.
I stayed up until 1 in the morning last night finding my phone and playing pokemon with the classic link cable that I just found. SWEETNESS! I'm really not in the mood to be doing a regents when I could be home playing a childrens game that is loved by all ages.
I hate to admit it, but I am kind of excited for the new games coming out.
It was just a good night... yeah
And I was told about the announcement of School of Rock 2, though I dont know if my friend meant that it was announced, or just proposed. Well either way, I think that it MIGHT be a pretty good movie depending on the cast.
That movie was definitely made by the cast that it had.
Speaking of which, I had a dream that my friend was walking down the road with two of his other guy friends, and he randomly said "OH DAMN! HOT! 10 OUT OF 10!" I started jumping up and down and was saying "I KNEW HE WAS GAY! YES YES YES!" But I didnt talk to him at all or anything so its not like any of that stuff mattered anyways... (frowny frowny(stops and thinks(smiles(doses off(falls out of chair(twitches))))))(Brent Everett)
Ok, now I am yet again at a loss for words due to the fact that a random dude from the blue man group just came up and screamed something about a cat while rubbing his nipples, then he just kinda... ran away...

Look, its a squid from the best mini-series ever. Can you guess what show this image is from? Can yah? Canya? Kenya
The show isnt Kenya, but that is where all the fast people are from.
We have to write two essays on this exam. If my mom wouldnt yell at me, I would just go off and skip this thing right now. Ughness, so not in the mood.
Ok, well I got to go take it, peace
Take it...(lol)
I stayed up until 1 in the morning last night finding my phone and playing pokemon with the classic link cable that I just found. SWEETNESS! I'm really not in the mood to be doing a regents when I could be home playing a childrens game that is loved by all ages.
I hate to admit it, but I am kind of excited for the new games coming out.
It was just a good night... yeah
And I was told about the announcement of School of Rock 2, though I dont know if my friend meant that it was announced, or just proposed. Well either way, I think that it MIGHT be a pretty good movie depending on the cast.
That movie was definitely made by the cast that it had.
Speaking of which, I had a dream that my friend was walking down the road with two of his other guy friends, and he randomly said "OH DAMN! HOT! 10 OUT OF 10!" I started jumping up and down and was saying "I KNEW HE WAS GAY! YES YES YES!" But I didnt talk to him at all or anything so its not like any of that stuff mattered anyways... (frowny frowny(stops and thinks(smiles(doses off(falls out of chair(twitches))))))(Brent Everett)
Ok, now I am yet again at a loss for words due to the fact that a random dude from the blue man group just came up and screamed something about a cat while rubbing his nipples, then he just kinda... ran away...

Look, its a squid from the best mini-series ever. Can you guess what show this image is from? Can yah? Canya? Kenya
The show isnt Kenya, but that is where all the fast people are from.
We have to write two essays on this exam. If my mom wouldnt yell at me, I would just go off and skip this thing right now. Ughness, so not in the mood.
Ok, well I got to go take it, peace
Take it...(lol)
Blog 125, June 18 2009 Told You I Would Beat You
Yeah, this blog probably makes no sense to anybody who hasnt read blog 24 and the MULTIPLE comments that are below it, so yeah. But this song is freaking hi-sterical. I can put up some other ones, cause from the two that I have listened to, this kid is one of the funniest youtubers out there. Yeah. GIGGLE
Yeah, here's the second one... he got his first pube...
Yeah, he's got a good voice and can play some instruments really good. Like this one, where he's playing the piano, SO GOOD
Other then the piano, guess why I like that song...
Keep guessing...
Blog 124, June 18 2009 Giddy Times
Summer's here, I am sitting in the computer lab with my biffle typing on our blogs, and we are listening to Jason Mraz and it just dont get any better then this.
I dont know why, but I cant help but smile :D
I still havent figured out the whole issue with summer camp, or my phone, but whatever, yeah.
Music helps
If only I could sing along to the songs, but unfortunately we are in the library, and we would just get stared at like we are retards attempting to do the macarena... yeah, its an interesting sight...
Along with porn,
Porn is an interesting site also.
yum, but not in a library... when you're there its more or less a creepy sight.
Like retards doing the macarena,
See, it all connects.
Like Maceroni and Cheese
And after he's been hooked up play the one thats on his heart...
Ok, I'm bored again...
What should I talk about... ughness...
men... boobs.... organ...donations.... SPLEEN!
I want to work in a spleen department... along with one of my friends older brothers...
John... hehe
Hmmm... I dont know what snog to listen to next...
SCIENCE regents in 4 hours, yay
Its gonna be easy, then I'm gonna walk over to the library and be bored there until about 5:30 or 6. Due to the fact that I dont have my phone, I cant call my friends and be all like: WHERE YOU AT!?
Well that mood changed pretty fast... now its Day N' Night
Yeah, this is a weird song...
I try and run but see I'm not that fast.
Yeah, quoted! QUOTED!
Still bored, I think that my brain is going to melt for the four more hours that I am stuck in this computer lab. With half of my websites blocked. GRNESS
Did you notice that that's all in bold? (Arrow up)
Yup, mhmmmm
I dont know why, but I cant help but smile :D
I still havent figured out the whole issue with summer camp, or my phone, but whatever, yeah.
Music helps
If only I could sing along to the songs, but unfortunately we are in the library, and we would just get stared at like we are retards attempting to do the macarena... yeah, its an interesting sight...
Along with porn,
Porn is an interesting site also.
yum, but not in a library... when you're there its more or less a creepy sight.
Like retards doing the macarena,
See, it all connects.
Like Maceroni and Cheese
And after he's been hooked up play the one thats on his heart...
Ok, I'm bored again...
What should I talk about... ughness...
men... boobs.... organ...donations.... SPLEEN!
I want to work in a spleen department... along with one of my friends older brothers...
John... hehe
Hmmm... I dont know what snog to listen to next...
SCIENCE regents in 4 hours, yay
Its gonna be easy, then I'm gonna walk over to the library and be bored there until about 5:30 or 6. Due to the fact that I dont have my phone, I cant call my friends and be all like: WHERE YOU AT!?
Well that mood changed pretty fast... now its Day N' Night
Yeah, this is a weird song...
I try and run but see I'm not that fast.
Yeah, quoted! QUOTED!
Still bored, I think that my brain is going to melt for the four more hours that I am stuck in this computer lab. With half of my websites blocked. GRNESS
Did you notice that that's all in bold? (Arrow up)
Yup, mhmmmm
Blog 123, June 17 2009 I Don't Know What Day I am Going to Publish This on
Yeah, if this is published tomorrow, or the 20th or the next month or next year. I really dont know.
There really isnt anything all that big in this blog, but I published a huge blog today that I want people to read and I dont want to have two good blogs in one day becuase I think that most of my readers just read the newest blog, do the poll, then exit out of it. But I dont know. So yeah, I am just really in the mood to be typing today because I have to wait until 2 for my friends to get out of their regents.
Why do they get so long to do that freaking regents anyways? I think that the Earth Science regents is by far the easiest topic we take in school next to Geometry (which the regents for that was pathetically easy. Yeah. PATHETICALLY
Ok, so yeah. Mhmm. Yup. No doubt.
Ok, the word defenestrate.
Do you know what that means? o. o
Well, dont look it up online, because I got the meaning right here.
It means: to throw out a window
Yeah, I have never been defenestrated in my life. Unfortunately. Its always been a dream of mine.
Ok, final decision, this is going to be a draft.
I dont know if I ever will publish this blog, I probably will, but whatever.
So bored.
There really isnt anything all that big in this blog, but I published a huge blog today that I want people to read and I dont want to have two good blogs in one day becuase I think that most of my readers just read the newest blog, do the poll, then exit out of it. But I dont know. So yeah, I am just really in the mood to be typing today because I have to wait until 2 for my friends to get out of their regents.
Why do they get so long to do that freaking regents anyways? I think that the Earth Science regents is by far the easiest topic we take in school next to Geometry (which the regents for that was pathetically easy. Yeah. PATHETICALLY
Ok, so yeah. Mhmm. Yup. No doubt.
Ok, the word defenestrate.
Do you know what that means? o. o
Well, dont look it up online, because I got the meaning right here.
It means: to throw out a window
Yeah, I have never been defenestrated in my life. Unfortunately. Its always been a dream of mine.
Ok, final decision, this is going to be a draft.
I dont know if I ever will publish this blog, I probably will, but whatever.
So bored.
Blog 122, June 17 2009 It's Gonna be a Good Night
I am not entirely sure how many of you have heard this song, but it has darted up onto my favorites list, no doubt at all. It is so uplifting, but at the same time, an amazing dance/party song.
Something about the first verse, where its just "tonights gonna be a good night" repeating, always makes me smile and look forward towards the rest of my day. Then the beat sets in and I just tap my foot to it and bob my head to it. AH! ITS JUST THE PERFECT SONG!
Now, decision times part 2. This summer, I have three weeks of Scully, which is my absolute favorite place to go in my life and it's the only place that I TRULY feel at home, but this year, my stepdad planned my moms surprise birthday party in Maine on the last day of my first week of Scully, leading into the first day of the second week.
Side 1: I am a LIT(leader in training) so I will be missing 1 good bye ceremony for my FIRST week and the second week, I wont be there to help all of the campers settle into their cabins and get to know them through the first impressions stuff. FML!
Side 2: It's my mothers... 50TH FUCKING PARTY! If I miss it, I dont know what the fuck she would think and I would live with the guilty conscience.
Though for some reason the stress isnt digging deep into me yet because I am listening to the song over and over again.
This would be the sort of time where I go up to my mom and say "can you please explain to your husband that this is the most important thing of my entire year and I cant screw it up, please reschedule." But unfortunately its a freaking surprise.
I would do it myself, but I already tried and he said: well nobody's leaving on Saturday so you have to choose a cheap-ass camp or your mother.
Thanks douchebag.
Hm.... I got a feeling, that tonights gonna be a good night.
Ok, I just did something that I would never imagine myself doing, and I dont know why, I HATE JEFFREE STAR!
I listened to his version of Boom Boom Pow(also by the Black Eyed Peas)
It was really creepy and... um... gay... but I enjoyed it. Unfortunately.
AH THE SONG IS OVER, hold on, I am going to go restart it.
Ok, restarted. Stress melts away again.
So yeah, I just found out that Jason Mraz has a new song out too, so after this one ends, I'm gonna look for that one and maybe blog it up.
Hm... is there anything to talk about?
Oh! Ok, so I have been talking to this kid named Matt that I met on Aim a couple weeks ago. He's 18, kind of a dork, but cute and has a really funny personality. Not the sort of person I would want to date, but its really cool talking to him.
Ok, so yeah. We had a conversation about our religous preferences, and he said something to me that nobody has ever said:
"Why would you want to believe that there is nothing after death? Thats just depressing..."
That was the only religion arguement phrase thingy that acutally got into my head, but I had something back to say:
"I feel like I am perfectly happy with the 72+ years of life that I will live in my life. Thats enough for my to be happy and have my life story reach its conclusion."
Yeah, this entire convo is still posted up on my third blog... which is kind of all secret AIM convo's and such, but yeah.
That was my most enrapturing religous debate that I have participated in. SONG OVER. I'm gonna go look for Jason Mraz's new song.
I think that I am going to fall over in a broken music heart.
This song is amazing too.
It is featuring Colbie Caillat.
Reasons to love this song:
1. Their voices are perfectly matched
2. The rounds
3. The harmony
4. The chemistry between the two
5. It's Colbie Caillat's comback
6. It's got a great melody
7. Love the message
Phew, long blog today. I have a lot of stuff to talk about, yeah. Lol.
Ok, well since I have so much to say, here is the Male sexy guy of the day.
Ok, the picture isnt exactly working right now... um...
Here... um watch this monkey dance
to the left to the left to the left to the left now kick now kick now kick now kick
Ok, here yah go, got it!

I dont really have the effort to find sexy girl of the day today. Plus, I have to leave in about a minute to go meet my friends at the school. So yeah, I am bored and bored and out of energy and this guy is really hot with the perfect skin tone and I think that his shorts are a little bit too short because of how masculine he looks in the photo, but I have no complaint about short and revealing clothes on a man. Sorry world...
Yeah, okay, it hasnt been a minute yet but I think that I have to go anyway. If you are still reading, damn.
Blog 121, June 17 2009
Ok, so yeah. Officially lost my phone, have $48, and am stuck at the library from 11 to 5 with no ride and no way to call for a friend to give me a ride. Great. fml
Blog 120, June 16 2009 Right Before my Freaking Math Regents
I think that I have to go... take the damn test. Sorry, short blog
Blog 119, June 15 2009 Where Have I Been?!?!
Yeah, I left school at the end of fourth period. Sorry if I was hidden beneath the water while swimming and getting my girl pants soaking wet in a culvert. So yeah.
Ok, so I found the Next to Normal soundtrack on youtube after these long months of EFFING SEARCHING FOREVER! Can I touch you?
ITS A LYRIC! Yeah, I'm not asking you, unless this is Jill reading.
I am, I am, I am, a mexi-can. Tcheah. So yeah... naked models rubbing you.
What are you doing?
Why the hell do you need to type?
So what...
Maybe I dont want any other sides of this one way conversation.
Dont just laugh
I see right through your transparent face.
I will not wait.
I am ready right not.
(are you enjoying this one sided conversation? I wont let her type, lol)
stop hiding the messages from me.
I cant pay attention to you Eleah!
Only jillian exists right now, I am sorry.
Ha, you got your phone taken away.
giggle giggle
Why not?
Why not?
Why not?
Well find something to say
I dont know whose thing it is
I am still wet
And NO
Ok, fine
Why is this so funny?
You cant perform under pressure can you?
Of course, got it now.
Ok, so I found the Next to Normal soundtrack on youtube after these long months of EFFING SEARCHING FOREVER! Can I touch you?
ITS A LYRIC! Yeah, I'm not asking you, unless this is Jill reading.
I am, I am, I am, a mexi-can. Tcheah. So yeah... naked models rubbing you.
What are you doing?
Why the hell do you need to type?
So what...
Maybe I dont want any other sides of this one way conversation.
Dont just laugh
I see right through your transparent face.
I will not wait.
I am ready right not.
(are you enjoying this one sided conversation? I wont let her type, lol)
stop hiding the messages from me.
I cant pay attention to you Eleah!
Only jillian exists right now, I am sorry.
Ha, you got your phone taken away.
giggle giggle
Why not?
Why not?
Why not?
Well find something to say
I dont know whose thing it is
I am still wet
And NO
Ok, fine
Why is this so funny?
You cant perform under pressure can you?
Of course, got it now.
Blog 118, June 15 2009 Last Web Page Design
I just started to notice that with the whole title and picture things, my blog has started to look like somebody elses... with less complaining and better spelling. Sorry...
So yeah, it is my last day in Web Page Design and I am already ready to leave this class. Its so freaking boring.
I was just chillaxin on facebook which the school unblocked... I dont know why, but I am perfectly happy with them doing that.
they still havent unlocked MySpace. ITS ALL I CAN THINK ABOUT! I AM OBSESSED! HELP.
Call 1-800-fuck-***
Oh, the word fuck was supposed to be censored. Whatever, I dont feel like pressing the backspace button. So yeah, well in case people of the world have not noticed, one of my friends changed my blog just a little bit for me a couple days ago. So now its wider and I can fit bigger picture on it, and my blogs wont be long, but wide (INUENDO!)
Ok, so yeah, I am a very bored person, naturally, so I went ahead and got this picture off of the line:

Yeah, I really am trying to figure out how the hell they did the eye. I think that its hollow, wow, trippy... TRIPPY! TRIPPY!
So yeah, it is my last day in Web Page Design and I am already ready to leave this class. Its so freaking boring.
I was just chillaxin on facebook which the school unblocked... I dont know why, but I am perfectly happy with them doing that.
they still havent unlocked MySpace. ITS ALL I CAN THINK ABOUT! I AM OBSESSED! HELP.
Call 1-800-fuck-***
Oh, the word fuck was supposed to be censored. Whatever, I dont feel like pressing the backspace button. So yeah, well in case people of the world have not noticed, one of my friends changed my blog just a little bit for me a couple days ago. So now its wider and I can fit bigger picture on it, and my blogs wont be long, but wide (INUENDO!)
Ok, so yeah, I am a very bored person, naturally, so I went ahead and got this picture off of the line:
Yeah, I really am trying to figure out how the hell they did the eye. I think that its hollow, wow, trippy... TRIPPY! TRIPPY!
Blog 117, June 12 2009 Hobo's From Lovers
Ok, so I barely have any time to type anything right now, but I do feel like blogging for some reason. Oh yeah, are you enjoying this picture? Isnt it amazing and attractive. Isnt it something that would remind you of somebody's future. The sort of person that is co-dependant. The sort of person who only focuses on LOVE in high school, and not high school and the actions of being in high school. LIKE! Making out with random sluts at A-Prom, or going to the mall judging the sexiness of people, or even hanging out with friends without your "lover" hanging over your arm. LIVE LIFE TO THE FULLEST!
Ok, I believe that I dont know anything else to talk about except for the length of my penis which I will not post online. All I know is that Megan's penis is the size of 46 rulers. Yeah, yup. I even used a name. Mhmmmmm.
Blog 116, June 12 2009 Kind of out There Today
Relay for Life. Turns out I dont know even half of the stuff I knew about Relay for Life a couple years ago. It must have changed so much, hmm. Yeah, probably for the better though, I am really excited to go to it and see how much is different from the last one that I went to when there was absolutely nothing planned so we just left at 9PM. Yeah, another mildly early night last night. Only 10.
I've kind of faded energy-wise today, I think that its a crash from over-dosing on coffee. Yeah...
1. E(not using names anymore) fails at running away
2. When you save things onto Wordle.com under a certain account name, you can click the name and see all of the past Wordles that you have created.
I also found out that it isnt blocked at our school because apparantly some teachers and faculty actually use it as a teaching tool. Weird, but I have no complaints. My fried M made me a really awkward Wordle with a collage of sex noises and sex toys. Best gift ever.
What the hell is wrong with YouTube lately. I dont know how it is when you are reading this, but a 3:22 PM it:
First: Didnt exist
Second: Existed but froze
Third: Unfroze then glitched and sent me to a blank web page
Fourth: I just got back on and it says: 502 Servor Error
Fifth: It just closed itself...
Ok, so YouTube is off my to do list.
Now the only things that are left are: Brad Pitt (from fight club), and some random guy with a six pack on MySpace in Australia (who I have yet to find and make friends with)
Ok, and maybe a couple other things/people on my to do list, but those are the top two.
Yeah, well I guess that I will update you on...
Ok, so in Britain, boys who take a safe sex course will get a condom "credit card." With those cards, they may walk around to any store and get up to three condoms a day, for free! Just for attending an hour long safe sex course, now as a future AVID(vocab word!) condom collector, I must say that the policy like that should be put forth into the US. Because then by the end of one month, I'd have about 90 condoms (plus or minus) and at the end of a leap year, I would have 1098 condoms. Oh yeah. And after ten years, I would have collected a total of 10,980 condoms. But unfortunately by that time, the first five years worth would be spoiled, and I probably would have used a years worth too. awwww, plan canceled :(
Yeah, thats depressing...
Ok, I am done for now, peaces :D
I've kind of faded energy-wise today, I think that its a crash from over-dosing on coffee. Yeah...
1. E(not using names anymore) fails at running away
2. When you save things onto Wordle.com under a certain account name, you can click the name and see all of the past Wordles that you have created.
I also found out that it isnt blocked at our school because apparantly some teachers and faculty actually use it as a teaching tool. Weird, but I have no complaints. My fried M made me a really awkward Wordle with a collage of sex noises and sex toys. Best gift ever.
What the hell is wrong with YouTube lately. I dont know how it is when you are reading this, but a 3:22 PM it:
First: Didnt exist
Second: Existed but froze
Third: Unfroze then glitched and sent me to a blank web page
Fourth: I just got back on and it says: 502 Servor Error
Fifth: It just closed itself...
Ok, so YouTube is off my to do list.
Now the only things that are left are: Brad Pitt (from fight club), and some random guy with a six pack on MySpace in Australia (who I have yet to find and make friends with)
Ok, and maybe a couple other things/people on my to do list, but those are the top two.
Yeah, well I guess that I will update you on...
Ok, so in Britain, boys who take a safe sex course will get a condom "credit card." With those cards, they may walk around to any store and get up to three condoms a day, for free! Just for attending an hour long safe sex course, now as a future AVID(vocab word!) condom collector, I must say that the policy like that should be put forth into the US. Because then by the end of one month, I'd have about 90 condoms (plus or minus) and at the end of a leap year, I would have 1098 condoms. Oh yeah. And after ten years, I would have collected a total of 10,980 condoms. But unfortunately by that time, the first five years worth would be spoiled, and I probably would have used a years worth too. awwww, plan canceled :(
Yeah, thats depressing...
Ok, I am done for now, peaces :D
Blog 115, June 11 2009 The Adventures of a Condom
Ok, so yeah, I might have already shown this video to about, half of my readers, but I feel that it is necesarry to put it on my blog because it is one of the funniest literal music video's that I have ever seen in my life. EVER! So yeah
Ok, as an explanation to that... it is my friends cousins girlfriend who is singing the main part. She's actually really good :D
I really have absolutely no idea what to talk about today... um...
I put my blog on MySpace so I dont know if I am going to use names anymore (again). Like when I am talking about guys I find sexy, I think that I might just avert using those names in case my blog slips out to them... uh oh that would be bad.
And I'm still kinda hoping that my sister hasnt read my blog yet. I dont really know how comfortable she would be knowing that there is a dildo and about 15 condoms in my bag.
Uh-huh, thats right, shirts/dresses made completely of condoms sewed and glued together. It is one of the craziest trends that I have ever seen, which really makes me want to try and make an outfit like that. Some of the patterns are just bountiful. Here's some more pics. CRAZY!

I absolutely love the one furthest to the right and the one second to the left. The one all the way to the right has a beautiful solid black, and the one second to left is so colorful and random, it just touches the border of too much, but still stays pretty cool.
Yeah, here is ONE more of condom dresses that I really like:

This one takes the title of my ABSOLUTE favorite. I give it a 9/10. I adore the use of the condoms being open and some still wrapped up. I feel like these outfits are:
1. Really beautiful
2. Send a good message out for safe sex
Ok, fine, I am a little bit of a sucker for safe sex, but all I know is that the modern world has nearly made me afraid of having sex (not like that is going to stop me) but yeah. I just kind of hope that my last words will be "shouldnt have done this" rather then "shouldnt have done him"
I got to go for now. Peace
Ok, as an explanation to that... it is my friends cousins girlfriend who is singing the main part. She's actually really good :D
I really have absolutely no idea what to talk about today... um...
I put my blog on MySpace so I dont know if I am going to use names anymore (again). Like when I am talking about guys I find sexy, I think that I might just avert using those names in case my blog slips out to them... uh oh that would be bad.
And I'm still kinda hoping that my sister hasnt read my blog yet. I dont really know how comfortable she would be knowing that there is a dildo and about 15 condoms in my bag.
Uh-huh, thats right, shirts/dresses made completely of condoms sewed and glued together. It is one of the craziest trends that I have ever seen, which really makes me want to try and make an outfit like that. Some of the patterns are just bountiful. Here's some more pics. CRAZY!

I absolutely love the one furthest to the right and the one second to the left. The one all the way to the right has a beautiful solid black, and the one second to left is so colorful and random, it just touches the border of too much, but still stays pretty cool.
Yeah, here is ONE more of condom dresses that I really like:

This one takes the title of my ABSOLUTE favorite. I give it a 9/10. I adore the use of the condoms being open and some still wrapped up. I feel like these outfits are:
1. Really beautiful
2. Send a good message out for safe sex
Ok, fine, I am a little bit of a sucker for safe sex, but all I know is that the modern world has nearly made me afraid of having sex (not like that is going to stop me) but yeah. I just kind of hope that my last words will be "shouldnt have done this" rather then "shouldnt have done him"
I got to go for now. Peace
Blog 114, June 10 2009 Sorry About the Four Day Break

Even though I am very happy that Kris won, I really would have prefered Danny to win. Over my mom who wanted Anuk, or Anook, (I dont know how to spell his name) to win. I couldnt believe it. But then when he went home she started to like Adam better. So yeah...
Sorry Lambert fans, but its kind of funny because just like in the old seasons, the runner-ups become famous almost immediately, while the actual winners are stuck with their record deal. Maybe thats what always slows them down from doing their own thing. Hmmmm, pondering.
Ok, so yeah, I dont have a sexy guy of girl of the day yet today, but I think you will be able to notice when I do, due to the fact that you will see random pictures of sexy guys and sexy girls. Hm... yeah. I am very bored at the current moment. I made a MySpace a couple days ago and have been absolutely obsessed with it just because of the App's.
Yeah, the same apps are available on FaceBook but MySpace isnt as insanelly slow, and there are more gay people to meet.
Ok, finding more stuff to talk about... um... yeah.
Whats the best game to play with Hellen Keller?
Marco Polo
Whats wrong with Hellen Keller's face?
She tried eating with a fork
If Hellen Keller fell while she was alone in the woods, with nobody around to hear, would she make a sound?
What did Hellen Keller's room look like?
Its ok, she didnt know either.
Oh yeah.
Ok, I am running out of time and my mom is about to pick me up.
Here is the sexy guy and girl of the day.
Love the guys shirtlessness and the girls lengirie.
I cant spell

Blog 113, June 6 2009 Watchin' Sweeney Todd
Wow, Sarah has a good voice.
Oh, yeah, I have absolutely nothing really exciting and crazy to talk about. Well, except seeing 4 movies in the past 3 weeks and telling everybody that drives on 9and20 that the place across from McDonalds has the Best Ass Ever. Yeah, PAUL DOESNT WALK!
So yeah, I just took a bubble bath in a spa with three girls. We shaved our legs together and put bubbles all over each other. It was entertaining. And apparently they have their cats drink water out of a champagne glass in it.
hm... um, maybe if I give you a lovely picture. Ok, its definitely time for sexiest guy and girl of the day.

Yes, Brent Everett. AHHHHH!
Ok, um... sexy

So yeah, I absolutely love her piercings. WOOT!
Ok, so yeah, random sidetrack, I cant figure out if I like it when people get snake bites or not. On some people, it looks so friggin amazing, but on others it just looks so out of place. Ugh.
Ok, so yeah, I know that most of my friends absolutely hate this song, but I really do like it. Especially because it is one of the first songs actually written BY Miley Cyrus without the help of her father. Yeah, and the message is just really OUT THERE and easy to pick up. Due to the fact that my brain wouldn't pick up on a hint if it was a message in a bottle saying the perfect latitude and longtitude counting name and phone number. Therefore, I like songs that just give out an easy to read theme.
So yeah, I love that music video. I cant remember who the director of it was, but he is one of the most skillful and talented music video directors9
I love Brent Everett. (DROOLS(onto Sarah(Sarah flips(Punches me(I go unconscious(Drool on Megan)))))) (learn lesson)
Oh, yeah, I have absolutely nothing really exciting and crazy to talk about. Well, except seeing 4 movies in the past 3 weeks and telling everybody that drives on 9and20 that the place across from McDonalds has the Best Ass Ever. Yeah, PAUL DOESNT WALK!
So yeah, I just took a bubble bath in a spa with three girls. We shaved our legs together and put bubbles all over each other. It was entertaining. And apparently they have their cats drink water out of a champagne glass in it.
hm... um, maybe if I give you a lovely picture. Ok, its definitely time for sexiest guy and girl of the day.
Yes, Brent Everett. AHHHHH!
Ok, um... sexy
So yeah, I absolutely love her piercings. WOOT!
Ok, so yeah, random sidetrack, I cant figure out if I like it when people get snake bites or not. On some people, it looks so friggin amazing, but on others it just looks so out of place. Ugh.
Ok, so yeah, I know that most of my friends absolutely hate this song, but I really do like it. Especially because it is one of the first songs actually written BY Miley Cyrus without the help of her father. Yeah, and the message is just really OUT THERE and easy to pick up. Due to the fact that my brain wouldn't pick up on a hint if it was a message in a bottle saying the perfect latitude and longtitude counting name and phone number. Therefore, I like songs that just give out an easy to read theme.
So yeah, I love that music video. I cant remember who the director of it was, but he is one of the most skillful and talented music video directors9
I love Brent Everett. (DROOLS(onto Sarah(Sarah flips(Punches me(I go unconscious(Drool on Megan)))))) (learn lesson)
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