
Blog 174, November 17 2009, A Place to Rest My Head...

DONT FORGET! SOOOO far, at this point, I am going to be making my blog passworded because of the poll, so come on! VOTE!

Oh my god... thank you so much One Republic for this song of complete genious. Besides the guy watching porn next to me in the library, this is the best thing that has happened all day, (also besides the really hot doctor stirring up my blood, literally ;))
Here is a BRAND new song by One Republic called "Say". It just came out yesterday!

Wow... the lead singers voice seriously brings chills to my ENTIRE body, in only a mild sexual manner.

Okay, random mild imagery for you mind coming up right now!
IMAGINE! You in a warm scarf, jacket, boots, gloves, and all that jazz. Its very lightly snowing out and there is already about a foot and a half of snow on the ground. You scoop your hand into the snow and toss a make-shift snoball at your friends. The snow is reflecting light all around you guys, and you toss snowballs at each other, laughing and having a shitload of fun.

I dont know why, but that has always been my absolute favorite image. I think that its just the thought of snow that brings the smiles to my face...

Ok, so as I was scanning through YouTube yesterday, I stumbled upon a classic song that had completely skimmed its way out of my mind, but its SUCH a good song. A little bit out there, but it used to be one of my favorites.

Ohhhhh yeah, sweet, sugar, candyman!
This is one of the songs that sounds really good when its played over itself four beats off. Yeah, it sounds really weird, but with the right timing, it sounds GREAT!


  1. Anybody know any good interview thingy's I can do for my next blog? Like website stuffness

  2. Oh yeah, and by the way, the song by One Republic actually came out in 2008. lmao
