I am not entirely sure how many of you have heard this song, but it has darted up onto my favorites list, no doubt at all. It is so uplifting, but at the same time, an amazing dance/party song.
Something about the first verse, where its just "tonights gonna be a good night" repeating, always makes me smile and look forward towards the rest of my day. Then the beat sets in and I just tap my foot to it and bob my head to it. AH! ITS JUST THE PERFECT SONG!
Now, decision times part 2. This summer, I have three weeks of Scully, which is my absolute favorite place to go in my life and it's the only place that I TRULY feel at home, but this year, my stepdad planned my moms surprise birthday party in Maine on the last day of my first week of Scully, leading into the first day of the second week.
Side 1: I am a LIT(leader in training) so I will be missing 1 good bye ceremony for my FIRST week and the second week, I wont be there to help all of the campers settle into their cabins and get to know them through the first impressions stuff. FML!
Side 2: It's my mothers... 50TH FUCKING PARTY! If I miss it, I dont know what the fuck she would think and I would live with the guilty conscience.
Though for some reason the stress isnt digging deep into me yet because I am listening to the song over and over again.
This would be the sort of time where I go up to my mom and say "can you please explain to your husband that this is the most important thing of my entire year and I cant screw it up, please reschedule." But unfortunately its a freaking surprise.
I would do it myself, but I already tried and he said: well nobody's leaving on Saturday so you have to choose a cheap-ass camp or your mother.
Thanks douchebag.
Hm.... I got a feeling, that tonights gonna be a good night.
Ok, I just did something that I would never imagine myself doing, and I dont know why, I HATE JEFFREE STAR!
I listened to his version of Boom Boom Pow(also by the Black Eyed Peas)
It was really creepy and... um... gay... but I enjoyed it. Unfortunately.
AH THE SONG IS OVER, hold on, I am going to go restart it.
Ok, restarted. Stress melts away again.
So yeah, I just found out that Jason Mraz has a new song out too, so after this one ends, I'm gonna look for that one and maybe blog it up.
Hm... is there anything to talk about?
Oh! Ok, so I have been talking to this kid named Matt that I met on Aim a couple weeks ago. He's 18, kind of a dork, but cute and has a really funny personality. Not the sort of person I would want to date, but its really cool talking to him.
Ok, so yeah. We had a conversation about our religous preferences, and he said something to me that nobody has ever said:
"Why would you want to believe that there is nothing after death? Thats just depressing..."
That was the only religion arguement phrase thingy that acutally got into my head, but I had something back to say:
"I feel like I am perfectly happy with the 72+ years of life that I will live in my life. Thats enough for my to be happy and have my life story reach its conclusion."
Yeah, this entire convo is still posted up on my third blog... which is kind of all secret AIM convo's and such, but yeah.
That was my most enrapturing religous debate that I have participated in. SONG OVER. I'm gonna go look for Jason Mraz's new song.
I think that I am going to fall over in a broken music heart.
This song is amazing too.
It is featuring Colbie Caillat.
Reasons to love this song:
1. Their voices are perfectly matched
2. The rounds
3. The harmony
4. The chemistry between the two
5. It's Colbie Caillat's comback
6. It's got a great melody
7. Love the message
Phew, long blog today. I have a lot of stuff to talk about, yeah. Lol.
Ok, well since I have so much to say, here is the Male sexy guy of the day.
Ok, the picture isnt exactly working right now... um...
Here... um watch this monkey dance
to the left to the left to the left to the left now kick now kick now kick now kick
Ok, here yah go, got it!

I dont really have the effort to find sexy girl of the day today. Plus, I have to leave in about a minute to go meet my friends at the school. So yeah, I am bored and bored and out of energy and this guy is really hot with the perfect skin tone and I think that his shorts are a little bit too short because of how masculine he looks in the photo, but I have no complaint about short and revealing clothes on a man. Sorry world...
Yeah, okay, it hasnt been a minute yet but I think that I have to go anyway. If you are still reading, damn.
umm, hate to break this to you but lucky isn't a new song, i've had it on my i pod for nearly 6 months now