
Blog 124, June 18 2009 Giddy Times

Summer's here, I am sitting in the computer lab with my biffle typing on our blogs, and we are listening to Jason Mraz and it just dont get any better then this.
I dont know why, but I cant help but smile :D
I still havent figured out the whole issue with summer camp, or my phone, but whatever, yeah.
Music helps
If only I could sing along to the songs, but unfortunately we are in the library, and we would just get stared at like we are retards attempting to do the macarena... yeah, its an interesting sight...
Along with porn,
Porn is an interesting site also.
yum, but not in a library... when you're there its more or less a creepy sight.
Like retards doing the macarena,
See, it all connects.
Like Maceroni and Cheese
And after he's been hooked up play the one thats on his heart...
Ok, I'm bored again...
What should I talk about... ughness...
men... boobs.... organ...donations.... SPLEEN!
I want to work in a spleen department... along with one of my friends older brothers...
John... hehe
Hmmm... I dont know what snog to listen to next...
SCIENCE regents in 4 hours, yay
Its gonna be easy, then I'm gonna walk over to the library and be bored there until about 5:30 or 6. Due to the fact that I dont have my phone, I cant call my friends and be all like: WHERE YOU AT!?
Well that mood changed pretty fast... now its Day N' Night
Yeah, this is a weird song...
I try and run but see I'm not that fast.
Yeah, quoted! QUOTED!
Still bored, I think that my brain is going to melt for the four more hours that I am stuck in this computer lab. With half of my websites blocked. GRNESS

Did you notice that that's all in bold? (Arrow up)
Yup, mhmmmm


  1. boobs!! where did u get that idea from!? and I showed you how to bold it... even tho u prob knew..

  2. nope, kinda clueless... I just type like a crazy kangaroo on steroids (with thumbs of course)

  3. wow.. i love how we are sitting right next to each other...

  4. Yeah... its entertaining... but I refuse to walk away from you because I absolutely love staring at your boobs/organs

  5. well.. thats ok.. i like my boobs to..jk! i like staring at my toes...

  6. u dont like ur boobs... (sniffle sniffle) just so you know, there are tears in my eyes, but dont look at my eyes because then you will know I am lying. But whatever, internet tears

  7. I love you.. and to make ur internet tears go away.. I love my boobs to!!

  8. YAY! THIS COMMENT ISNT SUPPOSED TO BE IN CAPS SO I GUESS I WILl just press the caps buTTON rANdomly thROUghout this COMMENT...!oops. NOW IM CONFUSED!(that was meant to be in caps))))))))))))))))))00

  9. wow...this movie is akward...(random moaning)hahaha!!

  10. Yeah, just so everybody knows, we are watching the deleted scene from Repo, Come up and Try my New Parts, yeah, it is awkward...

  11. hahahahah!!! preppy make a toast but most ends up on the floor!! Douchebags! :) love this movie!!!

  12. now they've got me wearin a suit. MULLET WITH HEADLIGHTS! OK, im bored again, I think that I am going to post some of these videos that u r showing me...

  13. AHH!!! I acutally did the Poker Face dance lol. I have listened to I got a feeling soooo many times this morning. I have it on repeat and it's been going forever and ever and ever.
