Even though I am very happy that Kris won, I really would have prefered Danny to win. Over my mom who wanted Anuk, or Anook, (I dont know how to spell his name) to win. I couldnt believe it. But then when he went home she started to like Adam better. So yeah...
Sorry Lambert fans, but its kind of funny because just like in the old seasons, the runner-ups become famous almost immediately, while the actual winners are stuck with their record deal. Maybe thats what always slows them down from doing their own thing. Hmmmm, pondering.
Ok, so yeah, I dont have a sexy guy of girl of the day yet today, but I think you will be able to notice when I do, due to the fact that you will see random pictures of sexy guys and sexy girls. Hm... yeah. I am very bored at the current moment. I made a MySpace a couple days ago and have been absolutely obsessed with it just because of the App's.
Yeah, the same apps are available on FaceBook but MySpace isnt as insanelly slow, and there are more gay people to meet.
Ok, finding more stuff to talk about... um... yeah.
Whats the best game to play with Hellen Keller?
Marco Polo
Whats wrong with Hellen Keller's face?
She tried eating with a fork
If Hellen Keller fell while she was alone in the woods, with nobody around to hear, would she make a sound?
What did Hellen Keller's room look like?
Its ok, she didnt know either.
Oh yeah.
Ok, I am running out of time and my mom is about to pick me up.
Here is the sexy guy and girl of the day.
Love the guys shirtlessness and the girls lengirie.
I cant spell

ahhhh Helen Keller