The story has you sickened, on edge, and jaw dropped.
I almost left because of how disturbing I thought it was about to get, but it never actually reached that level, it just skidded along the border... just, wow
Oh yeah, here is a random picture with a story attached to it!

There once was a man named Johnson who wanted to sweep a damsel in distress, Whitney, off of her feet.
Nobody really knows why she was a damsel in distress, but they do know that her husband just left her, she got shot in the shoulder, her children attempted to murder her but ended up falling off of the cliff, and that she has an outie.
Well, Johnson walked up to her and whipped out his gun, I mean, the gun from his pants... and he pulled the trigger. He put it away and she stood there bewildered. (Hint hint, this image is the picture!) He fell to the ground, with a bullet-hole through his heart.
"With you in my life,
My heart will never bleed."
Quote of the day:
"I hate ants, I mean, I was over at my aunts house a little while ago and saw a TV show about killer aunts so I hate aunts now."
Myth 1 completely busted. I have been bitten by a daddy long leg and I am not yet...
welll mi snse o site s slwl faing.,.,/
Jah, es ist sehr hasslich!
(Well, I can one up your stupid little African language)
Its German...
(I know sign language!)
Um... you do know that...
I really dont understand this...
What the hell is going on?
Ok, moving on. I also just saw The Hangover recently. It really was an absolutely hysterical movie. One of the guys, I dont know what the actors name is, was a gay Asian mafia leader with a mangina...
It was really awkward...
He jumped out of a trunk and straddled a hot guys face then hit him with a crobar... by the way, the asian guy was naked... and then he continued to hit everybody else with the crobar, still naked, and then finally run away...
Oh yeah! To explain the picture up at the top with the very true story, I have been using this book to learn how to draw basic figures, and that was just me copying a random picture, I actually have not been able to re-draw the cowboy or Whitney, but eventually I hope to be able to master it. Drawing really is not easy for me at all though, I am so
Jealous of all of the people who are able to draw things and occasions and events so well. They have all told me that it took them quite an amount of time to get used to drawing and they just got better with years of practice. I am hoping that I can join them in having at least some artistic talents.
UH OH! I am watching a new game show called 20Q and there is a prison guard playing and he just threatened to throw the british female host behind his bars...
I'd like him to throw me behind his bars...
Oh... um...
Where have you been?
(I have been flipping out at you in sign language)\
Oh... um... but I dont speak sign language...
So what, you're just gonna cus me out in that, please, oh no, PLEASE DONT!
[I have been updated!]
[FINALLY! Bill Gates finally loosened his tye, got laid, and updated this damned laptop]
Is Bill Gates hot? Or gay?
[No... he's actua]
20Q is back!
{Its V.3, mind you}
Fuck you up in the left ear with a Wii Remote Control
Reverted. Teehee
This show is really weird...
I cant wait for the new Degrassi movie coming up, it looks jam packed of godliness.
I have an er...
{Spare me}
"Erie feeling" you butfore...
So yeah
{I hate V.2}
[Wtf?! You didnt hate me when we were in the elevator and you ripped off my PC and started su...]
{Hey, its not my fault V.2's Hard-drive is 5 times larger then yours, even on a good day}
(You asshole!)
[You're just pissed because you know I can download way better then you!]
{Its true, but your memory isnt exactly that long lasting...}
Wait, I thought that you were all just one person...
(Suck my google)
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