I kind of just want to get this blog over with so I can go back to blogging every minute on the hour every hour of the day, every day of the week of the year of the decade of the century.
Please enjoy this picture of an old man with very close together eyes:
Oh, yeah. Thats right. Sexy right.
Ok, my sexual dream. Honestly, I have never actually had a sleeping dream of sex. I am horny enough in the day time. I dont have enough horniness in my body to be horny day and night.
Well... maybe I do...
OK, well then how about my sexual DAYDREAM. Ok, um... alright, I got it. I am able to pause time and I go around to the hottest guys in our school, and they snap out of their frozen time-ness very horny and gay :D Sexual daydream of 2009 from me :D :D :D
Ok, um... how about now, you enjoy this picture of a man without his shirt.
You know you like it, now enjoy this picture of a HOT guy without his shirt

Yes, I hope you are enjoying these pictures, now here is a picture of a girl, I think shes really pretty :D
I like her eyes. They are very piercing. AH! Oh my god, ok, so lately I have been watching this show called Daisy of Love. There is a guy on the show named 6-Gauge. You would think, oh, he's got the piercing in his ear, or nose, or lip, or he USED to have the piercing. But no. He has is now. In his penis. Ow and ew and damn you would have to be pretty big to have one of these:
Oh god thats just big and painful, but the guy who has it is insanely hot. Ugh just ugh and ugh omg wow delicious.
I love him.
So yeah, um, I have been told how to talk to Zack. My friend wants me to get another friend to push me and then I fall into him. (Then turn around into him(feel his chest(smile at him(rip open his shirt(grope)))))
I am really bored and dont know what to talk about. Really boring 100th blog. Ugh.
UM... can you say Jenny Craig?
Now enjoy this random conversation:
Fred: Hi
John: Bye
I hope that you enjoyed that conversation.
This blog feels a lot longer then it actually cheese.
I like cheese.
The word.
Not the food. CHEESE! CHEESE! Naked.
Fred: I missed you
John: I didnt
I miss the parenthesis fiend. He was such a good bot person thing. Yeah, we had a long streak with him
No, it just doesnt feel the same.
Its ok
Fred: Do you love me
John: Um...
Fred: What?
John: Can you please put your clothes on.
(That was interesting)
Not really...
OK, so, CHECK YES JULIET are you with me? Rain is falling down on the sidewalk, I WONT GO, until you come outside.
Wow, proof of my insane boredom and unexcitedness.
Maybe I could post a boring video.
No, no. I dont know any actually boring videos.
I know some mildy funny ones, but they are unfortunately to popular.
David After Dentist.
I kind of feel like posting more stuff onto
It is SOO amazing. Just being able to give codes and share it with anybody. Its also a really easy way to get documents that you typed outside of school into school because they haven't blocked it yet. Why would they, honestly, there is nothing wrong with it and all you do is save your files onto it. AMAZING!
Give me some codes if you put anything on that you want to share :D
I like naked things and men with nice pecs. Ahh. Men.
Oh my god, Zack has the nicest pecs. Ever. And he's not all muscle. He has a piercing on his... LEFT EAR! OH MY GOD! Yeah, thats a kind of lame way of gay. Its kind of a man code thing that if you get your left ear pierced, your gay. I dont think that its actually true, but it makes me feel better. His piercing is silver and metallic and he has blue eyes and wears shirts that are always tight around his chest. Then the shirts get a TEENY bit baggy around his stomach and waist. I dont think he has a six pack, but a solid stomach most likely.
Oh, and he has really nice legs.
He always texts outside his science room, and talks to almost more girls then me.
By the way, this definition is hear so I can get your reading on him. Cause I have nothing.
Oh yeah, and he's a junior.
I dont know, give me your opinion on him.
Ok, so yeah. I am ready to go to sleep, but I have so much energy I would run a marathon if I cared enough to do so which I dont so I wont ok yeah.
Oh crap, I just said what I just typed out loud so I think that we are about to go outside. I dont know. If I go outside I will just end this blog and go.
Peace, got to go. Loves. 100 is over.
Who is Zack?????