
Blog 65, March 18 2009

If ever a time to be bored and throw tomatoes at children it is now. Not in a mean way tomatoes at...hungry children. Yeah, thats better, hungry children. (Who are allergic to tomatoes) Un-true. Dont listen to what is in the quotes.
(Your just jealous cause I am better then you)
(Not really, waffle-eater)
(Straight person)
O.O <.> GAH!
That ones mine you stupid sheep.
That ones mine too you ugly keypad.
Thats right, I just insulted you mother.
(-shoots self-)
Hah, I win.

Now that you have seen a successful fight between me and my computer-enemy, I shall pretend like I have something interesting to talk about. O! I got it.

I do not like the idea of aprom (a-prom) I dont know how to spell it. Well yeah, I just think that its a stupid idea because some (not all) gay people complain about segregation, when we are the ones setting ourselfs aside. I mean, fighting for the right to marry is different and its about a persons right, but somebodies right to not be harrassed is completely social.
Unfortunately, people wont get better about that stuff and the more segregated we act, the less people will like us. I feel that we can be gay without running around slapping straight guys with murses screaming "HOW DARE YOU!"

Yeah, that topic really only makes sense in my head, but I cant type it out the way that I am thinking it. Its way to complicated.

el oh el.
I was going to on the school computers, and they blocked it because the website was: "OBSCENE/TASTELESS"
Like water :D

Lets see, do I have anything else to talk about,
By the way, sorry for the dis on water, I love water.

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