
Blog 62, March 13(Friday) 2009

Wow, I guess that my blog is all suckish lately. Therefore I shall explain why I have not been blogging like a psycho ex girlfriend stalks:
1. I have been blogging. Unfortunately, I lately found out that doing blogs in my school, dont get on to the actual internet because we are in a closed server. Therefore, blogs 62-75 are all gone and I am just going to have to type like crazy to get back to being close to one hundred.
2. I dont have a two, but I want to continue because numbers are very...
3. Still dont have any other reasons.
4. GINGER PARENTS HAVE A 75-100% CHANCE OF HAVING GINGER BABIES! PROOF THAT GINGERS WILL OVERRUN PLANET EARTH. Conclusion: kill 92% of the gingers in the world. Only 92% though, I like the other 8%
10. Yes, I skipped 5-9

In another topic/thing/side note/distraction/baby I must say that if a random man walked up to me and took off all of his clothes and he was really hot, I would make a broom closet apear and lead him to it.
Um... yeah, I dont really think that people actually go on this blog anymore, its kind of deppressing, but whatever.
I did not like it, except for all of the kinky sex that was going on. But I was watching it while messaging a female friend of mine on Aim and she was watching it at the same time as me so it was mildly awkward...
But I liked it.

oH YeAH. I remEMbEr wHaT I HAd tO saY.
Now I would recommend reading the following paragraph carefully due to the fact that I have chosen not to use the space bar.


Phew, I am really tired of this, and I would be surprised if you are still reading. Here is the rest of the story, backwards. Read from bottom right to top left.

.rehtegot nerdlihc ruof evah yehT .rehtom sih eb ot sneppah ohW .neeuq dessertsid eht seirram dna nwot eht otno seog neht eH .raw a ni gnithgif yb modgnik sih gnitcetorp saw ohw rehtaf eurt sih saw nosrep modnar ehT .epacse ot ymene modnar a gnillik ,elttab eht morf yawa skaerb eH .egatsoh dleh si dna elttab a fo elddim eht otni snur eh ,rieht yaw sih nO .niatnuom eht fo edis rehto eht ot seog dna modgnik sih seelf eh ,stnerap laer sih ton era yeht taht tcaf eht fo erawanu gnieB ".rehtom ruoy yrram dna rehtaf ruoy llik lliw uoY" mih sllet rellet enutrof eht dna ,efil sih ni retal neppah lliw tahw ees ot rellet enutrof a ot seog yob ehT


He goes to a fortune teller again and finds out that he has killed his real dad, married his real mom, and had children with her. His wife/mother finds out and kills herself, and he runs away from his home. His two sons fight over control of the kingdom and both die fighting each other. The man exiles himself and his daughters follow him away. He eventually dies later on in his life, and his daughters break apart from each other. One of the daughters returns to her home town, where an evil ruler has taken over.

To be continued.
(Please tell me you did not just waste 10 minutes reading that.)
By the way, I did not come up with that story, I just found it dumb and needed to share it with somebody.


  1. Actually....i wasted FIFTEEN minutes reading that.


  2. Wasted about 30 min just the backwards one alone.
    There has been more awkward movies that I have watched with a friend over IM. So it was just like me thinking..."I wonder if he gots a boner...?" Really not even kidding. But still there has been weirder movies....for example; "Next Level"

  3. idk why, but that story sounds REALLY familiar.......

  4. Yeah, its the first two plays of a trilogy written by Sophocles like... a long time ago
    IDK, we are readin the third part in class this month so yeah, not all that excited for it...
