
Blog 78, April 8 2009 (2)

Wow, I am feeling a little bit better. I have been completely distracted by the computer and this game called snake in which I just scored 12,220. MY NORMAL SCORES ARE LIKE, 1000. And I got more then 16,000 dollars for it. O, I love MyYearBook!
Um, I dont really have any ideas for stuff to talk about or anything to actually do or show you so yeah I just dont know maybe I should tell you how to give birth:
1. Open legs
2. Bring in the pelican
3. Put fish in front of pregnant womans vagina
4. Pelican dives beak first
5. Move fish out of the way as fast as possible
6. Pelican pulls head out with baby in mouth
7. Throw the fish so the pelican drops the baby and chases after the fish
8. Throw baby so you wont have to worry about paying for it
One of those steps is highly not recommended by the doctor. And that would be step 7 because feeding the animals is a bad thing :D

Laugh out loud. Yeah. Um... I have officially run out of stuff.


TOPIC 1: Adults who get drunk on almost daily and then tell their children not to drink or do drugs when they get older.
WHAT THE FUCK?! My parents: drink, tell me its ok to grow up and drink.
Some other parents: drink, tell their children not to
(In my opinion)Good parents: dont drink, trust their kids not to either.
Seriously, there are so many ways that you can waste your life away with a swig of alcohol. All it does is fuck up your brain and slowly decay your normal body functions. Also, WINE ISNT THAT MUCH BETTER! My parents drink wine because it is healthier then beer. NO! It has more benefits but all of the same set-backs. Gah, parents are just retarded hypocrits who think that they know all and play the role of god. Grrrrr.
Yeah, I am not going to grow up and be a drinker or a smoker, I can be exciting and have crazy nights and have fun in my life and not do damaging things to my body. Well...

Peace 4 now