The parenthesis person is gone forever. And ever. For ever. Ok, on the right side, you should hopefully see a cat with its head inside a washing machine. If you dont see that, then you are blind and require a pregnancy test.
It is cute, AND AMAZING(!), but I kind of wonder if the cat CHOSE to go into the washer to check on his/her pants... or maybe the owner made it do that. Either way, its kind of weird if the owner did, you know. Just for a picture he put his cats head.... ohhhh... the cat doesnt have his head inside the machine...
There is a window between the cat and the washer ooooooopppssss. Um, yeah, my mistake.
I am going to Broadway this weekend with one of my friends and we are going to see Avenue Q and Hair.
Avenue Q: Puppets singing about weird stuff including the internet and racism.
Hair: Hippies living in the 70's going through life and love, naked in the end of the play. WOOT!
I am just excited because I have never actually been to Broadway so this tickles my tastebuds.
Ok, so last night I fell asleep watching Mamma Mia, but I paused it when I went to sleep. When I woke up, I un-paused it so I could listen to some of the songs. Well, it was in Spanish. I just dont understand why these things happen to me. MY MOVIE HAD A SPANISH VOICE OVER AND IT SET UP WHILE I WAS SLEEPING AND I AM CONFUSED AND
Omg, not lol,
I will now send,
Step-dad to hell.
Just kidding. He pulled a little prank on me by switching my sugar with salt so when I poured it into my coffee, I wouldnt get that sugary flavor I wanted. BUT! Luckily, I tasted the sugar before pouring it, so it didnt work! As a mild prank revenge... I poured the entire bag of salt into the coffee pot and mixed it in so my parents couldnt tell. I cant wait till I get home to see their reaction to their extra salty coffee.
Wow, I cant believe I actually know that word.
Speaking of words...
Defenestration: To throw one out a window.
Yay! I skipped German today. Sorry world, but my stomach was bothering me so bad that if I went to class, I would stir up some bad commotion. So I just sat down in an un-known location, freaking gripping my stomach in pain.
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