
Day 30, January 27

I figure: since it is the 30th anniversery of me outing myself on the web, why not talk about something big and important to myself and those who care enough. So the topic is
SIDETRACK! I took freaking Midterm today during regents week. It sucked. 185 fucking questions. That is just un-cool to the fourth degree master belt. GAH!
Back on track.
Topic 1: Gay marraige (if you are kind of religous, please read the very last line of the blog FIRST)
I am sorry if this topic is going to be offensive to any of you, because I am going to get into religous affiliations and all of the controversial stuff today that segregates and drives our nation crazy.
A-ight now listen, (if you read insanelly fast from now on, you will feel like I am thinking) for the people out there who are offended by my want to marry, get the fuck over it. It isnt affecting you. I am not marrying your son or husband, or maybe I am, but whatever, it is a lifestyle that I personally dont think we can change.
Its just like a father throwing his child onto the street because the child cant see or hear correctly. Being gay is something that we were born into and like it or not, we cant change. I dont want to either.
If someone wants to take away my right to marry, I want to take away their freedom of speech. Hello, SEPERATION OF CHURCH AND STATE RETARDS! Also, I am gay, I think its about time certain religous freaks understand that god isnt the only mighty ruler out their. There are other religions that allow gay marraige. Does that mean they are all going to hell?
Cause if being gay and partying with other guys and living MY life to the fullest is going to send me to hell, so be it. Us gays will have fun in hell while those lame-asses are stuck drinking tea and starring at daring pictures of women showing their knees. yay

Topic 2: Guys who attempt to get their sexuality changed
I was going through a persons YouTube site when he showed me a link to the most bullshit interview I have ever bestowed my eyes upon. Some guy said that he was born gay, and the god allowed him to become straight again.
. . .
I was born into a religous family and such and they will never accept me, but like I give a shit. That doesn't mean that I would ever go out and ATTEMPT to change myself into something that I am not.
This all surrounds around how people believe that their gods words are up for interpretation until someone interprets it differently, then its just wrong, WRONG! (dumbasses)

My respect goes out to those out their who follow a religion and are still accepting of their family, friends, and just anyone who is maybe a little bit different then they supposedly should be.


  1. As a response to your previous comment;

    you now know who i am for sure, because well...

    you saw me and asked me.
    i find it strange that your still following my blog; seeing as how i thought you hated me (?)

    maybe you don't....

    I wish you love and happiness in life;

  2. People will always discriminate, but gay versus straight, black versus white, Arab versus Isralei, is all crap. It's a way to make ourselves feel better.

    Normally. It makes me feel like shit.

    Can you tell I'm pissed?


    So here I have a question - If God is the almighty savior and crap, why does he go around damning 'heretics' to hell? Is this God so egotistical as to believe that he is the only figure available for worship? That he's the only savior and the only person WORTH worshiping?

    *sigh* This is where most religions stump me. This is why I made my own. Seriously.

  3. I'm so confused. Bottled Anger...? was that whole comment to me...
    As a response to your previous comment;

    you now know who i am for sure, because well...

    you saw me and asked me.
    i find it strange that your still following my blog; seeing as how i thought you hated me (?)

    maybe you don't....

    I wish you love and happiness in life;

    I'm so confused...


  4. That comment was to me WhyCantEveryoneSee.
    Lol, and sorry again about taking off that comment by BottledAnger, I am just not going to risk it quite yet.

  5. Completely fine;

    i understand totally.....kind of the reason i made my blog and i don't use a name, no?
