
DAY 3 OF MOVIE WEEK! Day 20! Woot! January 13 2009

Alright, I still dont know what to talk about. I am updating from my school, which I just found out does not block this website. BOO TO THE YAH!
For a movie today, I am going to use Wall-E. It is another one of my favorite movies of all time. Yes, I have a lot of favorite movies.
It is my favorite because it is a family movie that has made many people very environmentally conscious. I think that it is very good that Disney took a turn from hidden inuendo's and very small issues to this, where a large issue is brought to the attention of our future adults. Early education is the key to getting us out of this fuck-up sitiation. (sit-chee-ace-shun)

Well, I got some math homework to do ao I will try and do another update later.


  1. lol...i feel stupid...i sat here for about 5 minutes trying to figure out what u meant by "sit-chee-ace-shun", then it clicked and all i could say was OHHHHH , lol

  2. lol, btw, yes, I made a mistake, this post is day 4 of movie week. Wow, me dum dum
