
Day 15, January 8 2009

Imagine these puppies as your own. They love you all the time, but there is something going on behind the scenes. Its going into your neighbors yard and the neighbor has repeatedly kicked your dog.
Does it piss you off? Because something like this happens every 10 SECONDS. What would you do to this person if you could do anything? Dont actually answer this because I cant hear you.
But, people who do these things are getting away with it all the time.
An innocent animals life only costs $500 in fines and a possible three days in jail. *DEEP BREATH IN, SARCASTIC SHOCK*. When somebody kills a person, they suffer at least 10 years in jail. But three days for an animal.
I know that I have already done a blog on this topic, but it has been brought back up in my life by a friend who once said that the penalty should be smaller because animals are less important.
No offense freind, but the factory workers are less important then the factory owner. I guess if the factory workers are killed, it doesnt matter, but if the owner is killed, hell breaks loose.
I am happy with the sentences that the commiters are being punished with, but there is always space for it to get a little better.
And again, if you know anything about any abuse, speak up, because those animals do need a voice.
(stalker voice) or i'll fiiind yooouuuuu ;)


  1. HEEEEEEY Ge-offry!!!! This is the blondish brunette talkin'! It's Shannon. Listen, can you ask everyone to donate some money for the ASPCA? There's this payment thing that can save an animals life and keep them alive for a month including meds for 18$, and I can pay for the first month, but every penny I can get would help. I'd reeeeeeally appreciate it! Kay, lush ya, bye! : )

    P.S. How long did it take you to type the movie thing?! 0.o

  2. I'm a donater to the SPCA and the WWF...Animal cruelty, to me, isn't just some guy kicking a poor little puppy, but also the majority of us killing the environment so that animals are going extinct.

    I agree though, that animal lives are just as important, if not more so.
