
Day 28, January 25 2009


I now have nine follower and am jumping up and down in excitement while typing. Do you feel that quake? That is my ECSTATIC jumping.

I have a topic.

Prayers for Bobby:
I have no words to describe this movie except for
Amazing, spectacular, moving, emotional, loving, influential, meant-for-all, touching, giving, wishful, tasteful, and I WILL WATCH IT OVER AND OVER AGAIN!
During that movie, I felt tears running down my face once at least every ten minutes:
When he came out, when he killed himself, when his mom said "I will not have a gay son", when his mom found out he was dead, when he saw David with another man, when his mother finally said "I killed my son", and when his mother hugged that random boy at the end of the movie.
In case you dont know, Prayers for Bobby is a Lifetime movie/docudrama in which a gay son kills himself and his over-bearing religous mother is trying to make up for leaving him motherless.

I dont have any other way to describe that movie. It digs deep into a mothers heart, a gays heart, a father, a daughter, brother, cousin, or anyone who truly has been effected by a gay person.

It really put the truth in my head that I will never be accepted by everyone, and that there are other ways to being loved then getting away. I also noticed that the only way that I am going to feel like I have any control over my future is by fighting for it. Because I will never get married, or be accepted by all in any environment.

... By the way, I think that I am going to talk about one of my polls today as my second topic.
Topic 2: Men with accents

OH, ROCKY! When a man speaks with an accent, it brings chills and crazy thoughts (DAYDREAM!). There is nothing quite like a British accent. Talk about verbal foreplay. If I had to ever have phone sex, it would have to be with a british person. Without a doubt. I am so bored of all these blank American voices. They have no, pizzaz. If that is how you spell that, I dont think it is, but whatever.

My final thing to talk about today: (sorry, I know its a long blog)
I had a run-in with the nicest teacher in my school on Friday. Mr. Jones, the health teacher, called me dis-respectful, concieded, rude, obnoxious, and said that I always needed everybody to focus on me. I agree with him unfortunately, but due to the fact that I dont have a masculind figure in my life, hearing all of my flaws pointed out by a male in front of my friends and enemies just tears me up inside.
Then, later in the day, I break down on my way to science and go to the school library so I dont end up crying in my class (and I NEVER cry in front of people) and I thought I had a double period. So I sat in their through 8th period and the beginning of ninth period. 10 minuted into 9th period, Ms. Hoffman walks into the room, my science teacher. She says, you have a zero on your midterm and I am writing you up. Then she walks out.
Princable walks in, you have three days detention and he will talk to Mr. Jones and Ms. Hoffman.
I only have a zero on half of my midterm and my over-all grade will drop from a 95 to nothing above a 75.
Fuck every teacher involved in that event.


  1. You make me giggle.

    Long-as-hell post today, but enjoyable all at the same time.


  2. ok, do not catagorize our accents with those of southern USA, thats just aweful. there is no American accent.

  3. It's sad, really,

    it's as if Teachers and parents forget they were ever children..what it feels like to be confused or stressed...the need to just blow off everything and cry. I feel for you, and i hope things get ALOT better.

    A Shadowed Identity

  4. I disagree Shinichi-Kun. To all others in the world, we have an accent and their accent is normal. We arent the normal ones when classified internationally, nobody is. Our accent is more of a nassaly accent, and I forgot to add Australian onto the poll... just put Australian on here if that is you fav

  5. I am so glad that I didn't watch Prayers for Bobby with anyone, because I too am not comfortable to cry around friends. There has been only like once where I broke down. My favorite quote from Prayers for Bobby is "Is it a sin to have friends?"

    That's all I can really say, because this will be public...and I won't spill out everything, not yet.


  6. O! YEAH! When he was taking a ride home after calling David, he drove past David running out of the club holding hands with another guy. It sad
