Reasoning: best friend of mine forgot all of his passwords and we have been conspiring to figure out what they were but... I got my phone taken away so it became harder to talk to him and get him my predictions. WELL, I finally found a home phone that was in the closet and plugged it in at the only phone cord available... in my mothers room.
Which has a lock.
What assholes.
Fuck you Jim (stepdad that PMS's)
WELLLLLLL, they let me use the phone every once and a while so we would talk on the phone and try even harder to remember his password.
Now with spring break coming up it is our time to hang out and... remember passwords.
BUT, he lost his phone.
So I say IN YO FACE! mainly because that would lead me to my next topic:
Doors should be outlawed.
I hate doors.
Doors are bitches. Much like passwords.
Resoning: If doors were gone, people wouldnt walk through screen doors, or shatter the glass doors that they don't see.
If there were no doors, you could more easily and "accidentally" walk in on people having sex that you want to walk in on because they wouldn't be able to say "WHY DIDNT YOU KNOCK?! mmmmm, harder"
Also! If there werent doors, then nobody would try to turn the door handle but unfortunately and accidentally not turn it far enough and keep walking straight into that hard wooden door on their way out from gym. Just saying.
And that is why I decree... that we should all rip our doors off of the hinges, and instead, hang these things that tickle when they touch you.
And that is all for today, REMEMBER TO COMMENT IF YOU EXIST
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