
Monday, December 22, 2008, Day 3

Alright, I just need to talk about one little thing here:
Christmas shopping for family
OK seriously, I understand that it is my responsibility to go out and spend my own money on other people for christmas, but my fucking stepdad is trying to get me to spend $100 on my mom. FUCK HIM. For the past week and a half he has been flashing me the dirtiest looks EVER and I'm sick of it. He says that I'm just not thinking about her enough. You know what, I hope he dies in a hole, nobody would care. Back on topic, why do we have to spend all of our money on other people. For me, I am at the only age that I will be able to spend money on myself and not worry about taxes and insurance and that shit, and they want me to spend every single bit of my money on them. I know its selfish on my part, but it is on theirs too. In any situation of give and take, someone is going to end up being selfish.

1 comment:

  1. make things instead o buying things next and usually parents like it even if its shit lol
