
December 28, 2008, Day 7

OK, so yeah, I am starting to slow down on the blogs. Sorry, I just have a hard time asking my fucking mother because its like she just wants to hover over me whenever I am on her computer. I bet she is trying to get the site name so she can go on this site and cyber stalk me. Whatever, I am kind of getting sick of her and her lovely husband... so... yeah.
OOOO! RANDOM FACT THINGYs!- the number one music video of 2008 according to the fans of VH1, is Touch my Body by Mariah Carey
The NYG's lost against the Vikings. LOL, in your face JIM!(jackass over obsessed Giants fan stepdad), but they are still guaranteed a spot in the play-offs.
There are more chickens in the world then people :-).
FINAL RANDOM FACT- my sister April is dating a dude named Doug. Doug was born in the month April, and April was born in the month Doug. OH YEAH! Question that BITCH!

KK, so I am now officially wanting at least one comment, so... I am going to do some weird riddle thingy and the first person to post the answer as a comment for this blog is going to get to choose my entire next blog topic.
OK, sooo, this event will end tomorrow at midnight, so get your answer up faster then anyone else.

Question- the movie MILK has a dude with the last name Milk. He ran for a political position in what US city? Full name, no abbreviations.

Remember, I am only doing this to get some comments so please people, give me some stuff to talk about.


  1. Somewhere over the rainbow. =3

  2. El Pueblo de Nuestra Senora la Reina de los Angeles de Porciuncula, which is to say L.A.
