Life was going to restart tomorrow... BUT, I dont smoke weed so I'm really not affected in any way WHAT-SO-EVER.
BUT!!!! Big and exciting things coming up. Big and yum exciting. Hott
Big thing! Is the movie Avatar is being released on DVD on Earth Day which is a whole new big thing on its own. Also big would be the new eco friendly sun-chip bag. AFTER WAITING for 5 months to finally be able to buy some sunchips that I can plant in my back yard, I can.
DO YOU HAVE ANY CLUE how amazing it will be to be able to eat chips while doing yardwork, and then when I'm done eating just bury the bag of chips wherever I am working?! SO CONVENIENT!
And on the note of conveniency, the following is not convenient:
The letter " ". I have not used this letter at all in this ENTIRE BLOG! So what the hell is the point of having a letter " " when I wont even type it in the 500 plus words in this blog?!
WELLLLLLL??? No excuses huh?! You simply cannot find a reason to exist letter " " now can you!
BUT! There is a place where this letter is EXTREMELY relevant.
Its called the Museum of " " on the corner of DOESNT EXIST BECAUSE NOBODY USES IT
Lady Gaga is going to be on Fuse and she's going to be living and breathing and doing stuff and its gonna be great just like everything she does. OK I need to think of something exciting to do before you end this relationship with this blog...
Well I am going to get some random pictures of things and show them to you now.

Oh... I'm sorry... I should have warned you that they would be pictures of hot guys, amazing hair, and duct tape creations!

Next would be Ryan Phillippe! The man who hosted SNL this previous Saturday who is quiie sexilicious... but quite the bad actor.

OK, and nowwwwwwwwwwwwwww: a list of pictures that have nothing to do with the ones before them!

AND LAST BUT NOT LEAST! Is a link to watch the funniest SNL skit ever just because they cant stop laughing and neither can I! Seriously! Every single time this skit is done nobody on the cast can keep a straight face the whole time.
This one isnt the funniest, but its still pretty good:
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